Love is a Verb Part 8

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I wake up before my alarm, ready to start my day. I throw on an old tee shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. Smells of fresh cooking waffles fill the air, and I make my way downstairs to see who's cooking. My Mother smiles as I walk in the kitchen and offers me a plate of waffles. I gladly accept and sit down to eat. She raises her eyebrows, "You're up early this morning. Excited to go hiking later?" I nod and she laughs, "Well I hope you have a good time. Take some pictures for us." I promise her I will and finish up breakfast.

The school day goes by pretty quickly, as I'm focused on music department things. With the Alumni Concert fast approaching, all of my classes are filled with hard work, and I have to run band class while Mrs. A meets with the alumni president to iron out the final details. Lunch is uneventful, and I sit with a random group of Juniors since not many seniors have my lunch period. I hope that English will fly by like all of my other classes, but no such luck. Today's readers aren't exactly the most well-behaved students, and there's lots of arguing about whether they want to read or take a trip down to the office. By the time the bell finally rings, we've barely read an act. I gather my bag and hightail it out of there, happy to be done with Shakespeare for the day.

I shove books and binders into my locker and check my phone as I head to check myself out for open campus. I grin when I see a text from John. I'm in the parking lot, so whenever you're all set we can head out. I type back, Sweet! I just need to grab a bag from my car. Then I'll meet you in the Jeep lol. I quickly sign out, with only a disapproving glance from the secretary due to my unofficial school skipping the other day. I rush out to my car and pluck my hiking stuff from the trunk. Locking my car, I head towards John's black Jeep parked a few rows away,

I smile at him and he shakes his head, laughing softly. I blush, "What's so funny?" He shakes his head harder, "Nothing, I just never thought I'd meet someone who could make cargo shorts look cute." I chuckle. He asks if I'm ready for an awesome hike, and we're off.

As we drive through the woods on our way to Trumbull, the trees are still full, just shy of starting to change as fall approaches. I watch as various animals run through the woods as we pass by. John taps on his wheel as we drive, and I feel a smile forming on my lips. I listen to his little rhythm, and start my own on the arm rest. He can tell what I'm doing, and before long we have our own little song going. John nods my way, "Well, go ahead. You started this, why don't you sing something." I roll my eyes, but start a little song as we go, "Driving down the highway, wind in our hair. Trees whiz by us, summer's behind us, but we aren't scared." I nod in approval and he starts the next line. "Oh the road is windy and that makes it hard for talking, but we find a way to connect." I take my turn, "Sideways glances, fingers dancing, the rhythm of the roads kicks in." He smiles, "I reach out for his hand, I'll take my chances, just to share my joy with him." He reaches over to hold my hand, and I wait for him to give us a good chorus. He squeezes my hand and sings, "Oh September driving, with my baby beside me, this is how I want to live. No need for talking, the mood does it for us, oh riding the highway with him."

I smile and we let the rhythm die away. I grin, "Wow, looks like we wrote ourselves a little song after all." He shakes his head, "Oh no, that was all you. If you hadn't started out good, it wouldn't have gone so smoothly." I chuckle, and we drive on. As we get closer to Trumbull John starts telling me about different places we pass. A first fishing trip at a lake to my left, secret makeout spots from highschool scattered around, and awesome dirt bike trails he used to ride with his brothers. I listen and admire the beauty of the woods and the lakes. He turns down a side street, and we find ourselves at the hiking trail.

John kills the engine, and we change into our hiking boots. I jump out of the car and stretch as I wait for him to grab his bag. I breathe in the earthy country air, and feel the light breeze shift my hair. John walks around the Jeep, and stands next to me. He looks off into the distance, "Isn't this the most beautiful place? And smell that sweet country air!" I agree, "I know, I love that smell. Thank you for taking me here, I can't wait to get on the trail." He nods, "Well, what are we waiting for?" I laugh, and we start our hike.

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