Untitled Part 7

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Wednesday drags by slower than any other day I've ever lived. I check my phone periodically and almost get it taken away during English. As expected, Mrs. A lectures me about skipping class. Even though my Father called, she knows it's unusually for me to not let her know when I'll be missing class. Since I showed up for band and choir, she's not too upset with me. I try my hardest to concentrate on helping the freshmen get settled, and getting my own work done, but I keep thinking about going hiking with John. The clock hands tick on, slow as molasses until finally, the lunch bell rings. I gather my things and head off to the cafeteria.

Today's a good lunch period, all of my friends are together. I slid into my spot between Kyle and Jack, and listen to the conversation. Jack laughs, "Dude, there's no way McKenna said yes to going to Homecoming with you. A, it's literally not for like a month. B, last I heard she was dating the captain of the football team, and there's no way she left him for your scrawny ass." Kyle lunges across the table, but Jack moves out of the way. "Hey, you're jealous of these guns. Just wait, you'll see when I have her hanging all over me on the dance floor!" They go back and forth, and I roll my eyes. Then Jack turns to me, "What about you Forester, who are you bringing to Homecoming?" My heart skips a beat, and I swallow the adrenaline pulsing through me suddenly. I blink and try to come up with a response before they call me out.

Sam drops down next to Jack, stealing his pudding. She chuckles, "Eli, dancing? Is that a joke." I say a silent prayer, thanking Sam for saving me. I piggyback, "Yeah man, I'm probably not even going to Homecoming." He shrugs and goes back to taunting Kyle. I smile at Sam, and hand her my pudding. More than a fair trade for saving me from being awkward.

After lunch, I try my best to stay focused, and the day starts to speed along. Before I know it, the final fog horn sounds, and I sling my bag over my shoulder as I follow the herd to the parking lot. I toss the bag into my back seat, and check my phone. My eyes light up when I see a text from John. Hey, I'm guessing you're out of school now. Just wanted to check in and see how your day was. I smile and text him back, Long day, but it's over now. Heading home to bust out some homework and relax. What did you do today? I turn on the radio as I wait for him to reply. Luckily some hard rock plays instead of that terrible new age rap. My phone dings, I spent some time with my Mom and Dad. It's nice to have some quality family time after being away for so long. And her cooking is the best, I sure don't eat like that in Paradise Valley. My heart warms, I'm so happy he gets to have some family time. I type back, Well I'll let you get back to your family time. I have to drive home anyways. Talk to you later :).

I shove my phone in my pocket and roll out of the school parking lot. Instead of heading home, I decide to drive to the library to get my work done. I always get homework out of the way quicker outside of my house, ironically. Camping out at a table in the far corner, I blow through the music theory packets for Mrs. A's classes, and start on annotating a poem for English. My phone buzzes, and I see that my Father wants me to pick the twins up from school. I work faster to get the poem marked up before I have to leave. I finish up, and gather my stuff. I pull into the middle school pick up line right at 2:45. Good, that saves me a lecture when I get home.

The twins, like always, argue for a good five minutes about who's turn it is to sit in the front, before I banish them both to the back seat. I endorse a dramatic ride home, so I lock myself in my room until dinnertime. Even reading Romeo and Juliet for a third time is better than listening to them fight all afternoon. We have a quiet dinner, and as I'm helping my Mother clean up I tell her about my plans after school tomorrow. "Hey Mom, I can't pick the twins up tomorrow. Some friends and I are going hiking after school. We all have study last period, so we'll have extra time to get there." She nods, "Okay sweetie, just make sure you get all your school work done at some point. I don't need you falling behind before the first semester even really starts. And remember your curfew. I know you're a big boy and all, but we still worry about you out at night you know." I smile. "Yes Mom, I'll be back before eleven. Don't worry."

I finish helping clean, and play my guitar in my room. I'm halfway through playing a little rift I taught myself when my phone buzzes. I unlock my phone and see John's name. I open his message. I'm so excited to hang out tomorrow. I hope you haven't forgotten, but if you can't go I'd totally understand. I type back quickly, Of course I didn't forget! I'm super excited. Where are we hiking anyways? He types for a while before I finally get his message. Awesome, I'm happy you're as excited as I am. There's this place in Trumbull that's gorgeous this time of year. Anyways, make sure you bring some hiking boots and sunscreen. The trail is pretty tough, but I'm sure you can handle it. I glance in my closet, trying to remember where I put my hiking boots. Alright, sounds like a plan. I'll see you at 1:15 tomorrow. I can't wait! I picture him grinning as I read, Okay, I'll see you tomorrow Eli!.

I spend the next hour digging in my closet for my shoes, until I hear someone running down the hall. I look up and see Danny standing at my door. I wave her in, "What's up dork?" She smiles sarcastically, "Oh I'm the dork. Aren't you the one digging in your closet like a five year old? What are you looking for anyway?" I sit up, "I thought I put my hiking boots in here earlier in the summer, but I can't find them." She shrugs and points down the hall. "I thought you knew, James said you told him he could borrow them. He was having some nerf thing with his friends the other day, and he said he needed them to look like a battle dude. Whatever, see you later." She trots down the stairs and I yell down the hall to James, "You little thief, where are my boots. You have ten seconds or I'm coming to find them myself!" I hear him jump out of bed and start hunting as I begin my counting. As I move closer to ten I hear his looking intensify, and by the time I get to eight he comes sprinting into my bedroom, hiking boots in hand. I smile, "Thank you. And next time, you'll ask me to borrow them. It'll save you a lot of stress in the long run." He jumps forward to tackle me, but I juke him out and he tumbles onto the carpet. I lay on top of him and mess his hair up until he starts laughing. I help him up and send him out the door with a little kick to the butt.

After I pack a bag for the hike after school, I curl up into bed with a book. I read for a bit, and then set my alarm before I go to bed. I lay down trying to sleep, and feel an anxious, happy feeling all through my body. I'm imaging the hike when I finally drift off to sleep. 

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