Chapter 14

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***Authors Note: HI if you're from Instagram. HI if you're from Wattpad!! HI if you're here just to be here!! I love you all!! A reminder that you can find live updates of my most recent stories on my Instagram: @wdweditor as I do not move those stories to Wattpad until they have been completed!! I love you all babes!! Thank you for your love you all add to my reasons to smile!***

Zach's POV

I walked straight up into the house and swung the door open, hitting the wall and making a loud bang.

Lucky for me everyone was sitting on the makeshift couch in the living room.

They all whipped their heads around and looked at me in shock.

"I was wondering where you were!" Tatum said, standing up.

"Ya ya whatever." I said, dismissing her comment and walking over to stand right in front of Valorie.

"Uh...dude. You're in the way." She said, motioning with the remote for me to move.

I took zthe remote out of her hands and threw it across the room. It hit the wall and broke into pieces.

"Zachary Dean! What in the world are you-"

"-YOU!" I said, digging my finger into Valorie's chest, cutting off Tatum from scolding me.

"Me...what??" She said, confused.

"How's Jonah doing?" I asked her, putting my hands on my hips.

"Zach what are you even-"

"-when was the last time you sucked his dick?" I asked her.

"ZACH!" Tatum yelled, "What is going on??"

"Why don't you ask Valorie who Jonah cheated on you with?" I told her.

"Valorie..." She said, looking at her.

"Zach WHAT are you smoking??" Valorie asked, laughing uncomfortably.

"I think you're the one who's on some crack shit!" I yelled at her. "We let you in, we PROVIDE for you. My sister gives you SHELTER AND FOOD AND WATER AND YOU REPAY HER BY SLEEPING WITH HER BOYFRIEND!!"

"Zach where the hell did you hear that??" She asked.


"Jackie???" Corbyn and Gabbie asked at the same time.

"Yes. Jackie. She saw you two in his car. So there ya go Tate, you wanted to know what bitch you'd have to destroy for stealing your man. You're looking RIGHT at her!!" I said, pointing to Valorie.

"Valorie is that true?" Tate asked.

Valorie didn't say anything.

"Valorie?" She asked again.

Still nothing.

Tate closed her eyes, "You and your brother get out of my house." She said, pointing to the door.

"Tatum I-"

"-NOW!" Tate yelled, pointing at the door.

Corbyn and Valorie got up to pack their stuff and walked out of the room.

Tate stormed out of the room after them and I could only imagine what was going on with her.

"I can't believe Valorie..." Gabbie said, in shock, her voice trailing off.

"I'll be back." I said, grabbing my jacket.

"Where are you going??" Gabbie asked, following me to the door.

"I have unfinished business." I told her.

She grabbed her jacket, "Alright well I'm coming with you."


"To make sure you don't do anything you're gonna regret."

I looked at her dead in the eye, "no promises."

At the Same Time

Jackie's POV

After Zach fled the diner I tried to follow him but he was too fast for me and I didn't exactly know how to get to his house so...that was a bust.

I knew I shouldn't have told him.

I stopped by the phone booth on the way back to my house and tried ringing Zach's place.

"WHAT?!" A girl's voice said over the phone. Tate. Why did she pick up EVERY time I called?????

"Is um...can I...where's Zach??"

"He's out." She said, her voice cold as ice.

"Where um...where did he-"

"-None of your business. We're done with you people. And be sure to ask your brother how my sister was. Hope she was worth it." She said, and then hung up the phone.

I leaned back on the phone booth wall, "She knew." I whispered to myself.

And if Zach was out....oh no.

I knew EXACTLY where he was headed and I knew I had to get there before him.

I began to run down the street to my house, hoping I would get there before him.

I walked up to my driveway and I saw Zach and Gabbie walking up at the same time.

"Zach!" I said, running in front of him and grabbing him by the shoulders.

"Please think about what you're about to do!! Think about your job. Think about our FRIENDSHIP!!" I told him.

"I don't care at this point. He hurt my family." He told me, taking my hands off his shoulders.

I looked at Gabbie for help but she shrugged her shoulders, "There ain't gonna be any stopping him he's made up his mind already."

Zach walked up to our door and started knocking loudly on the door and I ran up our driveway after him.

"Jackie if that's you I told you to be home-" Jonah opened the door and the minute he saw Zach standing in the doorway he stopped speaking and looked at him, "What the hell are you doing at my house?"

Zach wound up and swung his arm back getting ready to hit him but I caught his wrist, "ZACH!!"

"WHAT?!" He yelled in my face turning around.

"DON'T YELL AT MY SISTER LIKE THAT!!" Jonah yelled at him, and spinning him around to face him.

Gabbie finally caught up and looked at me, "What did I miss?" She asked, out of breath.

"YOU REALLY WANNA TOUCH ME?" Zach said, pushing his hand off his shoulder.

"YOU CAME TO MY HOUSE!" Jonah yelled getting in his face.

I squeezed myself in between them, "BOTH OF YOU STOP IT!!"

I yelled at them and they both looked at me and yelled, "WHAT?!"


They looked at me and nodded.

"FINE. YOU TWO FIGHT AND YOU LOSE ME!" I yelled at them.

I got quieter as they looked at me, "So throw that punch. But if one of you does, I'm walking out that door." I said, pointing to the door behind me.

"She's right. Y'all gotta cut this shit out." Gabbie said, leaning against the doorway.

"Nah. I wanna mess this kid up." Jonah said, getting in his face again.

Zach laughed, "This time you won't even have the CHANCE to put me in jail because you'll be so messed up."

"That's it. I'm done with both of you." I turned to walk out the door and Zach put his hand on my shoulder.


I didn't even turn around. I took his hand off my shoulder and walked out the door.

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