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"Can I have my chips back

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"Can I have my chips back..." I start, realizing I don't know crazy boy's actual name and he catches on. The audacity to take my chips in the first place though after forcing me to have lunch with them!

"No, but you can tell me your name." He smiles widely as he smacks on another chip loudly in front of me. Wow, rude.

Mr. Glasses rolls his eyes and takes the bag from him. "I'll give it to you if you tell us who you are." Of course not without taking a few chips from the bag himself and passing it to his sister.

Kensie and her brothers all sit across me. Turns out they like to eat lunch in the courtyard where we're currently sitting at one of the bench tables despite the coolish weather. And people around us were staring hard. So much for not bringing attention to myself.

But I wasn't going to say my name. They'd bought me another lunch in turn for this interrogation but still didn't need to know my name.

Conclusion: yes, they're sucky interrogators. But I live for the accent in their voices.

"Tell me yours first." I start eating my second set of peaches today. I'm still not giving up my name. They got even weirder today somehow. Why was I eating lunch with them again? Oh right, the free food.

Then the twin takes one of the fries off my plate. What is it with these people? They buy me lunch only to eat it? He waves it in front of my face before devouring it. "I'll give you a hint. I'm either Ash, Hunt, or Arlington."

I look at him, getting a better look today than yesterday. Still tall with the same curly hair but I notice his blue eyes this time. He didn't look like a Hunt. "Arlington?" I guess.

Crazy boy sighs dramatically, holding a hand over his heart. "I'm insulted, milady. He sure wishes he was me." Okay, so he's Arlington.

His twin—who is not Arlington—smacks the chip out of his hand. "I'd never want to be you in a million years," he says turning back to me. "But close, one more guess."

Well I still don't see him as a Hunt. So... "Ash?"

"Ding ding ding!" He gives me back a chip. I turn to the boy in glasses. "So you're Hunt?" He nods.

Okay, okay. I look around the group one more time, taking a survey of their faces. I'll definitely be needing it as I'm sure they won't be leaving me alone any time soon.

Kensie: Tall. Slim. Wavy brown hair. Pretty blue eyes. Pretty plump lips. Interesting sense of style. Obsession with rings and necklaces. Very glam.

Hunt: Tall. Muscle-y. Glasses. Curly brown hair with one spring down his forehead. Pretty blue eyes. Light freckles. Long fingers and book in hand. Nerdy.

Ash: Tall. Works out for sure. Curlier brown hair. Pretty blue eyes. Eyebrow slit. Crooked but cute smile. Mole on left cheek. Airpods in. Cool guy.

Arlington: oh boy.

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