"No I don't want to fight master." You said to your master Anakin Skywalker as you block his attacks. "Then join me Y/n I don't want to kill you either." He says to you as he extends his hand for you.
You are hesitating as you were about clones came up behind you force push Anakin away and deflected the blasters from the clone troopers.
You headed for your star fighter as you killed clone troopers on the way.
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You get in your fighter and take off. You are being chased by gun ships.
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You do a backflip and shoot them from behind. They go down and you continue flying into space as clone trooper fighters attack you. You shoot down a few them. You jumped into hyperspace as you.
R2V2 tells you that you were hit on your wing.
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"Blast anywhere near us buddy" you asked the droid friend. R2V2 tells about a unknown planet. "What are the creatures inhabited?" You asked him. R2 replies with humans and other creatures.
You feel a connection with the planet and fly down to land somewhere but you were caught in storm. "R2 any where we can go to get out of this blasted storm?" You asked R2 the storm is too handle and hard to see.
You hear a kid and roar. "What the hell was that... oh damn look out." You said to R2 accidentally hit something big and making crash into the water. You see a boy and giant bison with six legs. He starts to glow and you were caught in it along with R2V2 and the bison and your fighter. You all froze in the iceberg that the glowing boy made you all froze in place.