3-Meeting Adjorned

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He's taller in person

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He's taller in person. Very tall.

It was a stupid thought, but the first to pop into her head. Of course she knew the second he walked in who he was. Ally had stared at his stupid blue eyes and perfectly styled dark hair in enough financial magazines and pictures to know Vincent Wolf. He came dressed to impress today in a very fitted navy blue suit, a shade darker than his eyes, silver cufflinks and white dress shirt-no tie. He rarely wore a tie in his photos either–not that she was keeping track.

Vincent Wolf sat down leaning back in his chair and crossed one long leg over his knee pushing back the dark locks from his eyes. Light stubble framed his chiseled jaw that held just enough of a playful smirk to entice you closer. It was vile.

"Hello." He addressed the room with authority in his tone. " I figured it was only proper that, as the CEO of Shield Security, I attend in person. Get to meet those that I'll be working with soon on a personal level." She hated the way his voice seemed to dip even lower on the last two words. Hated it more that her stomach did that little excited flip just because it recognized the added testosterone in the room. Stupid hormones. It's not like she was a cave woman falling for any alpha looking asshole that came her way. We have Matt she reminded her lady bits, which seemed to do the trick.

"A little forewarning would have been nice. I'm sure, as CEO of a software company you know how to use a computer to send an email, or phone..." Ally couldn't keep the sneer from her face or voice. Everything about this man irked her. Arrogant, handsome, pompous- asshole.

The asshole in question fixed his gaze to Ally, cocked his head and asked, "and you are?" in the same tone she had asked Ryan Wolf, only moments before Vincent walked in. She felt the flush of rage creeping up her neck, hands fisting on the table.

Four. Three. Two. One. She counted, before deigning to answer.

"Ally Hoodman. The CEO of the company you just took over?" The question was sarcastic but he answered anyway.

"Ah yes, Miss. Hoodman. Pleasure. My apologies, I knew you in name only, but it's nice to finally put a face to it. I can see where she gets her looks." He turned to Elenor with a smirk that wasn't quite a smile. Was that a compliment to Elenor or an insult to her? Ally didn't know. Did she even care to know? Of course not...

"Catch me up to speed Ryan." Vincent Wolf turned to his brother, taking over the flow of the conversation.

"We were just discussing the financial impact of the merger while waiting for Miss Hoodman to start the quarterly review. Miss Hoodman if you would?"

God bless his brother. At least he had the common sense to toss the reins back to her.

"If you'd turn to page two of your reports Vera handed out, we'll start there." Ally jumped in. But of course. She looked at the raised hand of Mr. Wolf. "Yes?" she bit out.

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