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The two boys ate in silence, which Jungwoo did not like.

"Hey, Doyoung?" Jungwoo asked slowly.

Doyoung looked up from his bowl of cereal in confusion. "Yeah."

"Remember how we kissed?" Doyoung looked at Jungwoo in shock and became red.

"Uh, yeah. What about it?" Doyoung asked.

"Can we do it again?" Doyoung looked dumbfounded.

"U-uh, s-sure." Doyoung cringed at himself for stuttering. Jungwoo stood up and reached for Doyoung's arm.

"You meant right now?" Doyoung looked shocked. "Well yeah. When else?"

"Uhm." Doyoung clearly sounded nervous. Jungwoo noticed and laced their finger together to hold his hand.

"Do you want to kiss me?" Jungwoo whispered in Doyoung's ear. Doyoung shivered at his tone and let out a shaky breath. Jungwoo bit his earlobe and Doyoung had no idea what to do except let out a silent 'yes'.

Jungwoo held Doyoung's face and used his thumb to find his lips. He slowly came closer to Doyoung until he stopped Jungwoo. "What if Taeil sees us?" Doyoung whispered.

"Shall we take this to my room?" Jungwoo smiled and Doyoung became redder which he didn't think was possible. "If you want." Doyoung mumbled just loud enough for Jungwoo to hear.

"Can you take my hand and lead me there?" Jungwoo asked. Doyoung didn't think twice. He automatically grabbed Jungwoo's hand and they both ran into Jungwoo's room, giggling like little kids.

Jungwoo shut the door then went back to Doyoung. "Wait." Doyoung said.

"What now?" Jungwoo whined.

"What are we? Y'know, I can't just kiss someone and not have feelings for them." Doyoung mumbled.

Jungwoo sighed. "You think I just kiss anyone?"

"What do you mean?" Doyoung asked.

"I mean, I like you dummy." Jungwoo giggled.

"Really? Well in that case, I like you too." Doyoung scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh my god, just kiss me already." Jungwoo pulled Doyoung closer and Doyiung decided to not waste time and make the next move.

They connected their lips and Doyoung felt so nervous. Jungwoo made him feel so happy and he's never felt like this with anyone ever before. Jungwoo could feel that Doyoung was nervous so he put his hand behind Doyoung's neck. Doyoung calmed down afterwards and they were able to enjoy their kiss.

They soon parted their lips and just giggled at each other like little kids with blush visible on both of their faces. It then became quiet. A little too quiet for Jungwoo's liking.

"Did you eat?" Jungwoo asked.

"No, not yet. You kinda took me away from the kitchen." Doyoung sighed.

"Let's go to the convenience store! I'll buy you something." Jungwoo stood up, walked out of his room, and signaled for Doyoung to follow him.

The two boys walked over to the front door and walked outside. Before Jungwoo closed the door he yelled for Taeil. "I'm going to the store with Doyoung! I'll be back soon!" 

The boys walked down the street and talked about random things. 

"You know, I'm really glad I switched schools." Jungwoo said.

"Why?" Doyoung asked.

"People thought I was weird at my last school. They made fun of me for the dumbest things. I of course had a hard time with my vision but when people constantly remind you about it, it really sucks." Jungwoo huffed.

Doyoung felt pity for the younger since he couldn't imagine what he's gone through. 

"And my so called 'best friend' made fun of me all the time for it. Yukhei was amazing and I thought we would always be best friends but, ugh. He changed when the accident happened." 

"How did he change?" Doyoung asked.

"He stopped talking to me. Whenever he did talk to me, it was to make some stupid joke about my disability and everyone would laugh. I thought it was him just showing his friendliness but I realized it was just bullying." Jungwoo's voice started to break but he stopped himself before he could let a tear out. 

"I didn't even tell him I was moving. I just left without anyone knowing. I love my new school. I met you, I got to see Taeyong again, and I made new friends who are like me." Jungwoo smiled and so did Doyoung. 

Doyoung took this chance and took Jungwoo's hand in his. "How do you know Taeyong?"

Jungwoo smiled bigger at the feeling Doyoung gave him. "Oh yeah, on the day of my accident he was in the bus too. He was a doctor at the time and he helped me calm down when I couldn't see anything." Doyoung was shocked.

"He was a doctor? I never knew that." Doyoung said. "Yeah haha, he really is an angel who kinda saved me I guess." Jungwoo said.


The boys finally arrived at the convenience store and walked around to see what they should buy.

"What do you wanna get? I already ate so I won't get anything." Jungwoo stated. 

"I think I'll get a sandwich." Doyoung said while observing the sandwiches the store had to offer. 

"Oooh, I know something good. Stay here. I'll be right back." Doyoung said and walked away from the younger. 

The convenience store bell rang to show that someone entered the store. Jungwoo was playing with his fingers until he heard a similar voice.

"How much is this?" The familiar voice asked an employee.

Jungwoo stopped whatever he was doing. He kept telling himself that it isn't the person he's thinking of. It's impossible. 

Footsteps approached Jungwoo and he just thought it was Doyoung coming back with whatever he left to get. 

"Jungwoo? Is that you?"

Jungwoo froze.

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