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•Excuse me one second who now said you and this pure cinnamon roll ever fight? Um sorry sweetie your wrong, it's only ever lectures over him breakin bones and getting way to into those who loves who better battle's
•"I love you more y/n~"
•"NO I LOVE YOU MORE" *hug attack*

•surprisingly you guys don't fight often it's just small argument's and him acting like you annoy him
•if you do fight it's because he went to far with being rude to deku
•ahem did you just tell him to jump of the school roof? I WILL MURDER EVERYONE IN THIS ROOM AND THEN MYSELF

•i know I'm being a bit biased but I feel like you two never fight either! >👉^👈<
• like you guys tell each other you to be more careful during training and such but that's about it

•I see all these fic' s about the reader getting annoyed at him because he's flirting with other girls but like, he wouldn't do that!
•Like you guys have these joke fights were you will pretend to be mad at each other for drinking the last sprite cranberry or something like that but it always ends up with you two dieing on the floor laughing because for some reason it's just to fuckin funny
•you do argue over the over how to say a meme or vine correctly because there's so many I feel like you mix em up eventually

Iida 🏃
•he'll get annoyed when you don't listen to him when he's trying to help you with homework and your not paying attention
•if you swear alot he starts makeing you give him pennys for the swear jar (but he gives you free swears when the time calls for it *cough* when bakugo's being an ass *cough*to deku*cough*cough*)

Kirishima ⛰
•he gets annoyed when you arent careful during training like the other boys on this list
•also dosint like when you don't take care of yourself properly
•"y/n it's 1 in the morning! Sleep!"

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