Arguments #2

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• I'm gonna be honest I can't really see him yelling or anything at his s/o
• I mean he'll kinda overstep boundaries sometimes but he dosint realize he's being creepy, he means well of course
•you'll wake up in your dorm and sometimes just find a cute little note with some candy or another type of fancy food like c h e e s e
•you can lock your door and he still get a in, that's were it gets creepy
•but like I said be dosint mean to be creepy, he's just a big puppy and dosint understand things
• It just adds to his unique personality

•can't personally see him getting annoyed at you either
•he's a pure birb boy
•no harm
•dose try to push you away tho
•"iM dAnGeRoUs bLaH bLaH i CoUlD hUrT yOu"
•when you talk to him about it too it's just like:
•"YoU dOnT kNoW wHaT's GoOd FoR mE"
•"It'S mY oPiNoN!!"
•he can be a drama queen and you all know it

•can't see it
•nope nope nope
•can be insecure tho
•bb gets kinda depresso over how his face looks too but just reassure him you think he's very beautiful

•I think we all know were this is going
•even when this guy has a s/o he still kinda flirts without meaning too and looks at the girls in and out of class 1-a
• old habits die hard I guess
•tho if this sparks any conflict really depends on how you'd take that
•if you don't care much then it wouldn't really cause that big of an issue
•maybe a few slaps to the back of the head kendo style
•but if you bring it up he'll try to fix it, well he'll try not to do it infront of you
•like I said old habits die hard

•y'all know my boi high as fuck all the time
•and when he isint high he's sleeping
•there's no time for arguments
•p i z z a  r o l l s

•now this braty lil bitch, is no doubt the biggest fucking drama queen here
•if someone in the league pissed him off even the smallest bit you better bet your gonna hear about it
•you mostly hear about dabi tho
•but he dose take stuff out and yell at you sometimes
•I  j u s t  w a n t e d  s o m e  g o l d f i s h j e z z
•feels really bad tho afterward's so the next morning when you wake up he had got you some stuff that he thought you would like or heard you talking about sense he's bad at expressing his emotions
•honestly mood tho
• this is really great if your an artist tho
•but I'll save that for a different headcanon

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