an artist s/o

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•so supportive of your hobbies omg
•he dose a bunch of research on different artists and what the best brand of whatever medium you use
•but he sees how expensive art supplies can be and almost faints
•keeps all the drawing/paintings/extra you make him in his dorm hung up for every one to see
•he likes to draw with you sometimes, he mostly draws different hero's tho
•if you make him anything all might related he will cry, then go straight to yagi to show him what you made

•low key he's a little jealous of your skill
•loves your art tho
•stash's most of the art you give him in his closet or under his bed, it's not like he dosint love them! Heck he dose have a few hanging around his room for the others to see, that is the few times he allows people in his room
•he just think your more than capable to show off your art if you want too
•he'll try to paint something with you but refuses help
•he wasint the best at painting
•if you offer to help him approve he will refuse

•dosint really think much about it honestly
•I mean that's not to say he isint Impressed because of course he is!
•he has meny art pieces he's either stolen from your room, you've given him, or he found laying abandoned around the school or the dormitories
•buys expensive art supplies for you with his daddy's money, with the help of deku of course because he has no idea what to get
•copic markers? Never met her
•I feel like he's either naturally a really good artist or really bad
• either way he's probably sign the two of you up for a class

•the first time he saw some of your art he thought you bought it or something
•"woah that pretty cool y/n were'd you buy it?"
•"wait you MADE it?"
•"holy shit"
•"can you draw/paint me?"
•"I don't have any money but I'll can pay you in weed"
•I like to think he's a really good artist even if he dosint draw much

Iida 🏃
•He dosint let you give him art for free
•you can try but later that day you'll find 100-50 dollers in your Bag or he'll have deku or uraraka give it to you sense he's a busy boi and he knows you'll try to fight him on it
•despite the money you make when you occasionally give him some art he would like to buy it for you
•like it may get to the point you have to ask him to stop spending money on art stuff
•overall the most supportive boyfriend on this list if you ask me

Kirishima ⛰
•ok maybe I was wrong about iida being the most supportive
•takes pictures on his phone of stuff you've made and shows if off to people any chance he gets
•the bakusquad loves you both but for fucks sake they can only say "oh wow that's really good!" At the same picture so meny times
•you caught him showing the picture to tetsutetsu and kendo before monoma came along scoffing and saying he could do much better before kiri beat kendo  to the punch-
•nah that's a joke I don't think kiri would hit monoma if he did something like that
•I'm gonna stop now because u could honistly go forever with this boy

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