Chapter 3

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           *Braidy's POV*

        Hayes and I walk off of the plane with only our carry-on backpacks, since it's imperative we get off the plane immediatley, our checked bags will be shipped to our homes. As we make our way down the steps and towards the ground, I look around and see, well, nothing. Nothing but a ghost town.

        Hayes speaks first, "Where the hell are we?"

        "Herndon, Kansas!" a smiling flight attendant says cheerily.

        "And where is the hotel that we were promised?" Hayes questions.

        "About five miles down that way!" she says with the the same smile.

        "Are we suppoed to walk?" I ask.

        "Well it doesnt look like there's anyone around here to drive us or anything, so I guess so." Hayes sighs.

        "Five miles isn't bad. If we start now, we could get there before dark." I say, trying to calm myself down.

        Hayes looks at me, surprised, "Wow, most girls I know would be crying for their Mama's at this point."

        "Oh trust me, I am. I'm just not showing it."

        We start our trek through the creepy town. It consists of sporadic buildings, all of which are run down. The road, isn't a real road, just dirt. This place is what comes to mind when you think of a ghost town, although we have passed about two people during the first mile of our walk.

        I take my phone out of my bag to call my parents and tell them what is going on, but I have no service.

        "Hayes, are you getting any service?"

        "No, but the second I do, I'm calling Nash and the guys to come."

        "I'm scared, Hayes" 

        "Don't worry, I'll protect you." And with that he grabs my hand, and gives it a tight squeeze. I return the squeeze, and my hand stays in his for the rest of our walk.

        After a while, I hear a rumble. No, not an earthquake, this story isn't that dramatic, it's my stomach. I ignore it until I hear Hayes' stomach too.

        "We need food" I say.

        "You see those lights about a quarter mile up? I think that's a diner. At least I hope it is." Hayes responds.

        We approach what is, in fact, a diner. While it's definitely not the fanciest diner I've been to, it has food, and that's all that matters to us at this moment.

                *Hayes' POV*

        Braidy and I walk into the dingy diner. How did we get into this mess? I'm terrified, but I'm trying to stay tough for Braidy. I think I might like her, she's just so cool, and funny, and pretty. Maybe being stranded in the middle of nowhere together is fate. Maybe we're meant to be a couple.

        There's only one family in the diner, consisting of a mother, father, and a girl that appears to be the same age as Braidy and I. Her eyes light up when she sees me, and she stands up and walks over to us.

        "Hayes, hi! M-my name is Miranda, a-and I'm a huge fan!" the girl stutters.

        "Hi Miranda! Nice to meet you." I smile

        "Could I take a picture with you?" Miranda asks, pulling out her phone.

        "Phone!" Braidy exclaims.

        I look at her confused, but then I get it.

        "Of course I'll take a picture with you Miranda, hey, would you happen to have reception on that phone?"


        "Would you mind if I made a call on it?"

        "Hayes Grier wants to make a call on my phone? Of course you can!" Miranda yells.

        Braidy takes a picture of Miranda and I, and then I call Nash. I explain the situation and he says he's hopping in his car now and should be here by morning. After that, Braidy calls and assures her very worried parents that she is all right. We gorge ourselves on food, then proceed to our hotel, which is about a half mile down the road.

           *Braidy's POV*

        Hayes and I finally come across a run down building with the faded words "Happy Nights Inn" painted across the top. We walk in, show our plane tickets, and are given our free keys to our room. We walk into the room, and find that there is one bed.

        "I can sleep on the floor," I offer.

        "Don't be ridiculous," Hayes says, "I'm not letting you sleep on that gross floor, I'm worried enough to sleep on the bed. There's enough room in the bed, we can share." He looks me in the eye and I feel my knees shake. Why does he have to be so dreamy?

        "Okay," and then, because I can't resist, I add,"Wow we only met a few hours ago, and were already sleeping together," making Hayes crack up.

         Since practically the only thing we had in our bags were toothbrushes, we brush our teeth and climb into bed. Even though there's enough room for us to be a few inches apart, Hayes snuggles up close to me, and I rest my head on his chest. He smells like colonge, and protectively wraps an arm around me.

        "Goodnight Braidy," Hayes mutters sleepily.

        "Goodnight Hayes," I breath, and soon fall asleep.



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