I Still Hate Mistletoes (PART TWO)

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Jaidens pov
I saw both of them walked out,now everyone had talked with Tim about this so it wasn't really "planned" but whatever. They were talking outside,everyone else was just doing anything else so I decided to ease drop. I went outside from the back and hid. I know this is wrong I know I know but C'MONMM. I saw Adam about to open the door but,James stopped him. "Hey Adam?"James said.
I payed CLOSE attention now. God if they find out I'm here they'll kill me.(I'm using hold that way you guys can tell it's them and not her) "Yeah Whats up?" I hear Adam say. "Do you actually like m-me?" OOOO ITS GOING DOWN. I gotta film this! I pulled out my phone and started filming. "James,I wouldn't kiss someone if i didn't like them and if i was peer pressured i still wouldn't do it unless i like them" Adam then closed the door and just stood there. AHHHHHH OMG I HAVE TO TELL- no I don't I don't Jaiden don't do that that's bad "O-Oh,so you d-do?" "Yes! Ever since we met...well like a month after but s-still!" Before i knew it they kissed. O M G THIS IS XBDBSNSNSNSNEH I quit filming watching then walked inside making sure no one saw me.

Adams Pov
I can't believe it! This is actually happening! James and I stopped kissing and we both got in the car. The drive for the most part was silent until James said "Does this..like..make us official?"  "Um..." I thought about this for a minute,I loved him so much and he loved me?! "Y-Yeah if that's what you wanna do"  I said. We got to my house and I got out and unlocked the door. Me and James sat on the couch with James being cuddled up next to me. I heard him mumble  "Well that's what I want" I pat his head. "I want that too"

AN/ I KNOW ITS SHORT ITS PART TWO HHHHHHHH I really hoped everyone enjoy this story

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