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Brad McCarthy

"Take a break, don't stress your body. Don't train until unless I say. You need to save your energy for tomorrow," Conner said, handing me the list.


"Go home Brad, I have confidence in you. Keep your mind at peace." I nodded my head before picking up the bag from the floor.

After leaving the gym, I took a moment to close my eyes and sense my environment. Tomorrow is the big day and despite Conner's reassurances, I can't help feeling anxious. I tend to struggle with anxiety when I know something significant is about to happen.

I hopped into my car and made my way to my apartment. I'm unsure if Ava is around or not. A part of me hopes to find her there. It's been a few days since we last met, as I was occupied with my training and couldn't spare time to see her. 

Whenever I see her face, it calms my nerves. Her non-stop talking keeps my mind busy as I try to concentrate on each word that comes out of her mouth.

I unlocked my door and was unaware that Ava was standing on the stool. She lost her balance as I pushed open the door before she could fall. I held her in my arms.

"Ugh!" She yelled out with her eyes closed. As she clung tightly to my t-shirt, I held her close to me, careful not to drop her. My heart raced as I let out a heavy breath. Adjusting her weight in my arms, I made sure to hold her securely.

"What are you doing there?" I asked her. After opening her eyes, she took a minute to process everything before breaking into a smile, still with some tension on her face.

"I was putting a photo frame there."

"Who puts a photo frame there?" I asked, still holding her in my arms. Why isn't she heavy?

"Me."I rolled my eyes before turning around, still holding her in my arms. My gaze landed on the photo frame she had placed there. It was a snapshot of me and the boys back when we were at her place. In the picture, Vincent and I were engrossed in a video game, while Celeb was munching on a slice of pizza and Axel was chuckling at Celeb's antics.

"Where did you find this photo?" I asked her.

"Mum has taken many pictures of you all, but you may not know it. When I asked for a few photos, she sent them to me."

"It's good."

"Look at the old Brad, he is kinda skinny," she said, but you hear the sarcasm.


"Yeah, compared to the current Brad, old Brad is skinny!" A chuckle left my mouth. I was busy looking at the photo and remembering the old days when I forgot that I was still holding her.

"Brad, I don't wanna break your arms when your knock-on is tomorrow." She snapped me out of my thoughts.

I put her down. "Your weight is nothing compared to the weights I lift. You need to eat."

"Haha... I need to lose weight! See this fat," she said, showing her thigh fat. "I hate my thighs, they are too fat..."

"They are good." Truly, her thick thighs are good...

"Aye... Aye... You think my thighs are good," she expressed playfully.

"There are many things which are good, should I name them," I said as my gaze went to her boobs before I glanced back at her eyes, which widened for a split second. Her cheeks turned red. I was stunned by what I just said. I blinked my eyes and looked away.

As I gazed around the room, my attention was drawn to the walls. To my surprise, I noticed that she had transformed the space into something beautiful. She had adorned it with cushions, a table, a lamp, and various other items.

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