chapter two

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Once the training was over they moved on to their next saturday tradition minus cierra and nicholas because they had twibs to care for, but despite that everyone else was present. they all gathered in the main living room and watched a movie today's movie was a disney movie, coco.  but like before with the news no one really watched they all just hung out and talked. once the movie was over, all of the older girls went to the mall to do some shopping on Tony's debit card. meanwhile most of the boys went to the gym to play basketball or went to the batting cages to get some swings in. while the boys who didn't stick around for the gym were in there labs or tech rooms working on updating and creating tech for the legion. the boys who stayed behind being luca, steven, and archer. leaving the team with only 3 boys but not all of the girls were in the field either. maggie was also one of team mates who stayed behind analyzing forensic evidence and also profiling too. the revengers were more of a task force than a team made to protect the world. not only did shield have a part in the team bu the CIA had a liaison with the team kayla barton which just happened to be cooper barton's wife. even though the CIA isn't supposed to work in the USA the agency felt the need to have some sort of involvement in keep the country safe. the revengers were basically a. highly skilled covert team, but the one big difference is some of them had powers which is what made them so special. the kids have secret identities so when in public the are completely different people who's re known as stark industries employees making it easy for them to live in the tower without questioning a being asked. although a lot of the kids were in their teen years all of them could be completely serious and mature on missions but on the outside of that the younger kids were just kids who had internships are the industry.the leader of the revengers was none other than nicholas fury. his second in command being james rogers obviously. over the 6 months the team had been together they have become a right know family. stark was working on making them and underground base where they could live. the team worked like a well oiled machine. everyone had a job based in skill set. nicholas, team leader, calls the shots, makes sure the team of functioning at its finest.  cierra, air surveillance, always using her powers to watch everyone's backs, basically is the eyes and ears in the sky.  archer, head of the tech analysis team, always ready with info no one knew they needed.  olivia, strike team A leader, always the first one in, extremely skilled in hand to hand, games out the first wave of attackers.  james, second in command, always having a back up plan, always 3 steps ahead just in case.  , head maggie of the forensic analysis team, has every detail about everything, works forensic magic. luca, works with maggie, can pull off anything, also works forensic magic. steven, works with archer to work tech magic, can hack any database, gets you virtually anything you need that has to do with tech. natalie, 2nd person in strike team A, always right behind olivia, extremely skilled with guns.  morgan,Strike team B leader, 3rd to go in works on taking out the second wave of attackers or any left over from round one,  basically the clean up crew. adra, also in clean up crew, fights dirty, always has morgan's back. jordan, ground surveillance, gets intel through surveillance, best spy (even tops black widow) steve and nat took her in after being in the red room, had it 10 times worse than nat, fights DIRTY, stays out of the field for the most part, but it amazing at staying undetected, and ya know spying, try's not to kill as much as possible.Roman,ground surveillance, intelligent, learned from his mom. campbell, air surveillance, super smart, great eyes, works well with others. but lila and cooper barton are the ones who truly keep the team together. lila in the handler assigned to the team by S.H.I.E.l.D and cooper is their handler assigned to them by the CIA. the barton's live with them on their floor and will take care of nicholas and cierras babies when missions start up again for the entire team. tony stark had just announced to the whole team that their base will be move in ready the following day. the entire room was filled with excitement. "everyone, i know your excited to finally have our base move in ready, but it's getting gn late and we need to move into the building during the night to be able to have the base stay hidden. it's 9 o'clock now so let's go to bed we leave to move in at 3" announced the captain of the team. each legion team member moves to their room to get some sleep. it's sounds cheesy but each couple in the team got their own room together. they were under strict orders to not sleep in the same bed but hey at least they can share a room. the only reason this was aloud is beacause before the team was started wanda who had unlocked a new power ( ability to see the future up until death) had seen in each of the teens future that the kids who were dating now were soulmates. but she couldn't share anything beyond that. jordan and Natalie made their way to their room before laying down the couple ate some food before saying goodnight and then falling asleep. shortly after jordan slipped into her slumber she began to have flashbacks of the beating and the rapes she used to receive for the smallest screw up like tripping over her own feet while dancing in the red room. except that didn't last for long because she was recruited for a special part of the red room call the black room. it was much more intense than the regular red room.  only 2 students survived. after you graduate they do horrible unspeakable things to you but you eat. respect and a title 'the red widow' the other girl who graduated the black room had to fight jordan to the death but we obviously know who won that battle. she shot straight up from her bed struggling to breath. she decide that she needed a glass of water. the black room had completely ruined her desire to feel anything even fear or pain. when she got tot he kitchen she saw cierra making a bottle for lia who was in her bouncer on the counter. the only thing in the entire world who made her feel something was a little tiny wrinkly human. she had a special connection with the babygirl. but because jordan was the best spy to ever be produced cierra didn't hear her walk up to the counter or the bouncer. when cierra turned around she about had a heart attack. "oh god jordan you have to stop doing that!" " sorry" she replied. " i can feed her or even take her for the rest of the night there is no way i'm going to be able to get back to sleep" jordan shivering as she remember the memory that disrupted her sleep. "oh i would never ask you to do that" cierra replied "but if you wanna feed her go ahead we can sit in the couch" they made their way over to the couch and the second cierra sat down she was out "wow this whole new mom thing must be exhausting" she thought to herself.

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