chapter eleven

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chapter eleven
a few weeks later
ethans pov

Me and Emilia got a lot closer. She has been pretty sick lately and I've been helping. she would fall asleep against the toilet after throwing up for 2 hours. and i would pick her up and put her in bed, then i would proceed to sleep on the couch. she would wake up the next morning nauseous and he would make her a light breakfast. usually some toast and orange juice which she had been craving lately. but last night was different. She wasn't as sick. so they sat on the couch and watched a movie. after the movie i made some
food but emilia started opening up about what happened. that night emilia told me to lay in bed with her and hold her while she slept. and when we woke up this morning we laid in bed all snuggling and all of the sudden she just looked up at me. we just looked in eachothers eyes and she just kissed him right there without warning. "are you sure you wanna do this right now. you just got back and i don't want to push you especially when you have a baby to worry about now.". "Ethan, I promise I know my limits. But I want you and i don't wanna wait bc when you wait you lose people. and you're a great guy most people wouldn't even dare to touch a pregnant girl with no baby daddy but you did you stepped up and you helped." emilia was almost crying at this point. they kissed for hours. she kept wanting to go further but Ethan wouldn't let her. He wanted to wait especially since she had been assaulted and that's how she got pregnant. He didn't want to take advantage of her in any way. they hadn't known each other long, but it felt right. emilia was now 14 weeks pregnant and she was showing a lot more. she told ethan if he wanted to leave he needed to do that now bc she wouldn't let anyone hurt her baby. later that night ethan went to wanda and asked her about the whole soulmate thing. wanda did her thing and she confirmed it. they were soulmates. later that day the 2 had a discussion about the baby. "ethan you broke down the walls i've put up for everyone else and i talked to wanda and were soulmates, well you knew that but i want you to this baby's father i want to raise it her with you." "her? i'm pretty sure it's a boy" emilia loved when he would just make her forget everything. she knew deep down that even though the baby wasn't his biologically he would love them like they were..

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