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Yoongi is fucking frustrated.

It's been 2 hours and he still hasn't managed to get a blink of sleep. Maybe it's his insomnia or maybe it's the obnoxiously loud punk music blaring through his walls.

Don't get him wrong, Yoongi is a fan of the genre, but not when he has to endure torture every night. And the worst part is that he's very socially anxious, so he can't just knock on the person's door at 3AM.

The songs come to a brief pause until something along the lines of "I'm your dad" starts practically yelling at him through the thin insulation. Fucking hell.

C'mon Yoongi, you can sleep through it. Even if your classes start in 5 hours and your neighbor won't shut up, you can do it!

"I can't fucking do it." He gets up as fast as his frail body allows him to and slips on a random pair of polk-a-dot slippers. He was gonna give the neighbor a piece of his mind!

Strutting to apartment number 144 (his was 145) in a 2 piece Kumamon set and polk-a-dotted slippers was not his ideal look but it'll have to do for now. He faked an angry knock which caused the music to stop and footsteps to slowly make their way to the door.

Oh no, oh no, oh no! What was he even supposed to say to 'punk-rock-at-3AM-neighbor'?

'Hey person I have never met before with a chill music taste could you like tone it down at 3AM?'

His inner monologue was quieted by the door slowly creaking open.

"Hi! What can I do for you?" And wow, Yoongi had never seen someone be this personified. He looked like every single punk song sounded, like every cherry blossom in winter bloomed, like every flutter of a petal on a flower.

He was wearing a flimsy pink crop top that was basically just a sports bra for guys and a pair of satin booty shorts that accentuated his slim waist and fuller thighs.

"Oh. Hi. I was just um.. going to say I like your music!" he barely breathed out.

No you weren't!

"Oh. Thank you! Is that all you wanted to say or do you wanna come in for a cup of coffee?" The sweet smile spoke with some, if he was not mistaken, flirty intentions. Yoongi paused for a moment, deciding if looking like shit in an 8AM class was worth it. And yeah, it totally was.

"Oh um, sure." Yoongi chuckled. The faint bloom of the cherry blossom's cheeks slipped his line of vision as he walked in.

The cherry's apartment was unique too. Eccentric paintings lining up the walls with LED lights above them set in a muted peachy colour. The couch was covered in blue and white splashes and was next to some sort of art sculpture.

"Sorry for the mess, my roommate is an art student. Kim Taehyung, maybe you've heard of him?"

Ah, Kim Taehyung, who hasn't heard of the doe eyed nineteen year old? He was quite popular on campus because of his custom clothing and mind-boggling sculptures.

"Yeah, kind of hard not to." Yoongi smiled at the boy.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Jimin. Park Jimin. I'm studying dance and music production." Jimin said.

"I'm Min Yoongi. Apartment 145. I'm studying music production too."

"Really? How come I've never seen you around?" Jimin asked with stars in his eyes. How come they only met two or so minutes ago and he's already whipped for the boy.

"I've been wondering the same thing. I assume we're the same age? I'm 20." Yoongi mumbles out.

Oh. My. God. Why did no one remind him that he was wearing Kumamom pyjamas right now?!

"Really? I'm 19 actually." Jimin smiled crescents at him. It was like looking at a constellation. Two moons on one star. Speaking of stars, there was one painted behind Jimin on the kitchen wall. Quite poorly.

"What are you looking at? Oh, that!" Jimin blushed brightly when his eyes met the crude star.

"My roommate and I were very, very drunk and we decided that it would be fun to paint on the wall. Not much fun when you're sober and have to explain it to your landlord." Jimin lowered his gaze in embarrassment.

"Anyway, what brings you here to my apartment other than my music taste?" Yoongi ignores the fact that Jimin just changed the topic and focuses on the actual reason he got up in the first place.

"Well, I was initially going to tell you to quiet down a bit--"

"What stopped you?" Jimin smirked, obviously trying to tease the older.

"Well-- uh--" Yoongi stuttered as his brain tried to come up with an excuse but to no avail.

"I'm kidding you don't have to tell me I'm hot. I already know." the boy bashfully smiled at his own words.

Yoongi groaned and averted his gaze from the tiny freckles that adorn the younger's face and shoulders to the kitchen counter. Which were surprisingly equally interesting as they were covered in space-themed white stickers.

"Another drunk mishap or purposeful art?" Yoongi nodded to the general direction of the counter and Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Mocking me or a question?" Jimin copied Yoongi's voice and laughed.

His laugh! His laugh! It sounded like a little chiming bell mixed with tiny birds chirping at the break of dawn. The sound of skates on fresh ice, breaking the first layer away piece by piece.

Jimin noticed the silence and a little blush creeped up on his cheeks. Shit. Did he realize Yoongi was staring at him for like, the whole time?

"Hey, Jimin, what time is it?" Yoongi asked, actually curious.

The younger quickly checked the phone in his pocket before shutting it off again.

"Almost four in the morning." Jimin said, feeling content.

"Oh shoot, I better get going. I have a class at 8 sharp." Yoongi breathed. The edges of Jimin's lips lowered as his smile settled into a pout.

"Really? You could stay a bit more." he suggested.

"I would love to but I really have to get up soon." Yoongi slowly walked to the door with Jimin in suit.

"Well, Min Yoongi. Maybe you could come by again some time, maybe tomorrow night?" Jimin smiled.

"Maybe." Yoongi smirked and slipped away into the dark hallway, back into his own apartment.

" That was terrifying. "

welcome to the first chapter of im yer dad, this story will be (not suprisingly) full of smut, some homophobia (brief mentions at best) and a tad bit of angst like later on.

also, please go thank my beta reader DevilishThings for helping me a bit with the story and with the plot plan!~

hope you enjoy the rest of the story!

-michelle 🍒

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