Who she is

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The battle of Geonosis had been long and hard fought, many clones and most of the battle droids had fallen, and lay abandoned next to each other on the battlefield. This had been the second time the republic had taken the plant from the control of the Separatists. The people of Geonosis were not someone the republic would normally find themselves in the company of, the people found themselves in league with the Sith and had allowed for droid factories to be built there, thus the republic felt they had to invade.

The 501st, Commanded by Jedi Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano as well as the 212nd, Commanded by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi remained on Geonosis to clean up the last few clankers who hadn't been destroyed in the initial battle, this had brought them to the mouth of a very large cave system, the scanners had detected about a hundred droids that managed to find themselves deep underground, if they went in guns blazing the cave would collapse and the short mission would become a lot shorter.

"This feels like a job for you, Anakin" Obi-Wan said with a slight smirk, clearly heard in his tone.

Anakin scrunched up his face at the idea at actually having to do something carefully, "Wouldn't you be better at this?" He asked sarcastically

Ahsoka raised her eyebrows at the Jedis' familiar banter, unimpressed with the amount of time they waste on it, the clones just stood there, they always found that they never really knew what to do when they Jedi were ripping each other apart, it was awkward to just watch so most of the time they pretend to be busy

Obi-Wan rubbed his beard, "Well, we all know you need practice in that department, Cody and I'll stay here and cover the exits"

"Urgh, Fine, Rex, Let's get going"

Rex signalled for a few of his men to follow, "Alright, Let's get going boys"

The cave was damp and dark, the clones used the lights from their helmets and the Jedi used their lightsabers, giving the dark cave an eerie feeling with the shadow's of rocks becoming haunting monsters from the corner of their eyes.

The group continued to slowly walk down the tunnel, with no sign of any droids or, really, any sign of life, the only sound other than their shuffles and footsteps being drops of water, they rounded a sharp corner to be met a large area, everyone turning of their respective lights in order to not be detected, with a tall ceiling, the walls and ledges and jagged rocks, it had old wooden scaffolding holding the ceiling up, the structure looking ages old and barely standing, the room itself was filled with battle droids, some were simply standing there and others were in conversation. There was also a few bits of heavy machinery, some of it being tinkered with by a hooded figure.

Anakin signalled for his men to span out to either side of the opening, Anakin and Ahsoka turned on their lightsabers and at the similar sound the droids turned around.

"Oh no! It's the Jedi!" The droids started shooting and in turn the Clones started shooting, soon the small space turned into an all out fire fight, most of the Droids met the end of one of the Jedi's lightsabers but some of the slow ones were easily shot down by the clones

"Can't we run away?" One of the droids asked the other droid next to it.

The other droid just sighed, shook its metal head and slumped it's shoulders, "It wouldn't matter" and just like that it was cut in half by a blue blade, the other droid let out what could have possibly been a shriek before it was shot straight in it's rusted yellow head.

As Anakin sliced another droid in half he tried to look around for the person that had been there earlier, it was difficult to make out everything going on but he was certain that they were nowhere to be found, Had they run away? But there were no clear exits

"Snips!", He called for his trusted Padawan, "Is there anyone else here?" Ahsoka was a little away from him deflecting the fire of two droids with her lightsaber, she looked over to him, not letter her concentration waver from the droids,

"No Master, apart from the clones and the droids," Se thought for a moment, "Although, I think there maybe someone else, I can sense it"

That person wouldn't have left the room and if his suspicions were correct and they were a Sith, they would have seen the derivative menacing gleam of their weapon.

Anakin quickly ducked away from a droid blaster shot, he snarled, he was getting distracted, he pulled the metal junk towards him, slicing it in two when it reached him. 

With the battle in full effect the blaster fire was relentless and with one poorly aimed shot, a part of the scaffolding came down, crushing a few droids in the progress, Anakin looked up in shock, watching the ceiling as it started to crumble, and, like falling dominos, the ceiling crumpled, rocks started falling and the scaffolding buckled under its own weight.

Ahsoka's eyes widened, "Master!" She held her hand out to her master, as if it was going to do anything to stop the rock fall, Anakin looked at this Padawan and reflected her actions, holding his arm to her, together they both looked above them as both rocks and scaffolding fell on them.

The last thing Rex saw before his beloved friends were engulfed with rubble was a hooded figure emerging from the shadows and the light from a red saber.

// It's Wednesday my dudes

I know it's short, but it's my first time writing anything like this but hey I'm gay

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