Chapter two

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Just then we arrived at school I couldn't help but smile as I saw the building it was the most prestigious school around this side of Festac especially since out of every thousand that apply for admission every year only about a hundred get in.
But I stopped admiring the school when I realized what Dami said.
"Wait he's back, why do you keep on making him sound like some god? What is so important about him? "
"Please remind me how I know you again" she said giving me an exasperated look. I smiled at how annoyed she was over nothing.
"I would have, if I actually knew you" I said teasingly, we both laughed as she hit me playfully. We finally got down from the car.
"Goodbye Mr Sunday" He gave a stiff nod I looked at him and frowned wondering for the umpteenth time why he never spoke. We both walked in after signing in at the gate.
"So about this Kelechi guy I still don't get what's so special about him that's making even you speak so highly about him, because last time I checked you were still dating Beck"
"What's that supposed to mean, of course am still dating Beck but am just surprised you don't know him you being on the relay team and what more the captain"
I looked at her still confused of cause I was on the school team and the captain of the relay team which was quite hard to acquire since the team is mostly made up of boys, but still no one could argue how fast I am on the field, so what did that have to do with this guy..... I asked Dami.
"KC is like the next Usain Bolt, he's the one you should be scared of if he does decide to come back to the team" I stared at her surprised.
"Yeah seriously, he is super fast he won a lot of gold medals back in Junior school but he withdrew from the team shortly after even with pleas from the coach. He didn't resume with us senior school because him and he's family packed out but forget all that merely seeing the guy you would see that he is the pure definition of the word handsome."she ranted on.
"Okay Dami calm down he's just a boy and once again you have a boyfriend."
"Well your one to talk and its all because you haven't seen him."
"Okay okay I get it he's handsome, moving on." We walked into our floor and saw some of our setmates, we walked ahead then suddenly heard a commotion we turned back to see what had happened.
"You'd think a new term and they might have changed" Dami voiced out I couldn't help but agree with her as we looked at the girls and boys who believed they ruled the floor.
The 'clique' consisted of Olivia their leader -who seemed to have made it her life mission to frustrate me -her boyfriend Dayo, he's friends Temi, Ife, Isaac and Ibrahim and Olivia's friends the twins Aliyah and Aisha then Ngozi, Amarachi, Sayo and Ruth. They walked pass us Olivia making sure to hit me in the process. Dami rolled her eyes then called after Olivia.
"Won't you grow up already"then facing me. "Are you alright Sarah, you really need to learn how to stand up for yourself you know"
"I know, I know and I will - in due time" we both laughed because I had been saying that for a while, then we entered our individual classes after waving goodbye.

We finished school early since it was our first day of resumption. We headed to her house first then played a couple of Xbox games before I realized I had to get back home to do my assignment. My house was only a few blocks away so I decided to just trek it.
I got home shortly after, using less than thirty mins to finish up my homework. Having nothing else to do I decided to freshen and go for a jog.
At half pass four, I was showered and dressed in a black and white Adidas track with a white Converse making sure my hair was in a ponytail I grabbed my iPhone, my headphones  around my neck and was out the door.
I had jogged pass a few blocks, when my iPhone rang, I smiled as I checked and saw who the caller was, I picked the call.
"Bel, how you doing" it was my little sister Amabel still in junior school and presently in a boarding school.
"Sarah! Boarding house is so cool" she said excitedly.
"With how much you are shouting in my ear I guess I have to believe you on that" I said with a smile.
She laughed as she said. "Its really better than I thought and I get to hang out with my friends a lot"
"Okay okay that's great, am really glad your having fun over there but don't get too carried away you still have to read your books"
"Hmmm, when did you get so wise Sarah"she said teasingly.
"Shut up" I said but I still smiled.
"Am serious though"I said again
"So am I"
"U better be, anyway what's happened so far"
"Nothing much, my friends helped me adjust to the boarding area quite fast..... Anyway so I met a boy....."she said trailing off. I immediately stopped bumping into wall.
"What! Bel you just said you we're serious"
"And I am, its just a crush anyway"
I heard someone clear their throat near me so I looked up.... It was the wall I had bumped it was actually a guy and he looked...Wow.
"Em..... Bel i'll call you back ok"I cut the call without waiting for an answer.
The guy had bent over to pick his iPhone so I saw a hint of abs before he stood up and he's shirt covered them up once more. I had a good chance to study him once more. He was fair in complexion and had brown eyes with chiseled jaws that made look more muscular, he was currently sporting a popular boys haircut and looked to be a year or so older than me if not in the same age, hits forehead was creased so I assumed he was annoyed but I had no idea why, as he opened he's mouth to speak I saw a hint of dimples on both he's cheeks.
"You know you could take a picture, I think that lasts longer" that brought me back and I realized with embarrassment that I had been shamelessly ogling him all this while,  but still he didn't have to be so rude about it.
"Way to feel yourself" I said trying to save what little dignity I had left."
"Well am I wrong"
"Of cause you are"
"If you say so Amber" Amber! Where the hell did he get that from.
"That's not my name and why did you stop me in the first place."
"I stopped you" he asked like it was the most incredulous thing ever.
"Durh" I simply replied.
"Your the one who ran into me and almost broke my phone and now quite frankly I do not understand what your saying" ohh that's right but still it wasn't entirely my fault.
"Well I was on a call, what excuse do you have"
"I don't need an excuse" he said smugly
"You know what I don't get why am bothering with you, I have a jog to finish And a call to get back to. assume   Where the hell did you come from you can't just go about hitting people and then just decide not to apologize"
" what are you even talking about I don't go around hitting people and besides how was I supposed to know people have walls as their bodies"
He suddenly smirked showing he's dimples more.
"Well if you wanted to complment on my body, you could have just said so"I rolled my eyes, so arrogant.
"Am done talking to you" I said as I put my headphones on and went back the way I came.
I checked my phone and realized I had just spoken to a complete stranger -whom I will probably never see again- for an entire hour.

I haven't been around for a while so I  haven't been giving this enough attention. I promise that's going to change, update will be as regular as I can manage. This is my first book on wattpad so please give it a chance.

xoxo pearlrhyta

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