The Winchester Brothers

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Starr's POV....

"So Dean I hear that you have a younger brother, is this true?!?!" asked Tori. Dean nodded yes. Thats what was missing where was Sam, I questioned myself. "Sammy is god knows where." Dean said. "Why don't you call him?" I adked. Dean just shurged his shoulders. I smacked him on the back of the head. Damn it  Dean Winchester go call your brother now!!!" I demaned him to do so. Dean grabed his phone and looked up one of Sam's numbers. Dean's POV...

I was dialing one of the many numbers I had for Sam. I did what dad used to do to us I let it ring twice then hung up and called again. Someone answered the phone... but it wasn't Sam it was a chick. "Hello?!?!" Her soft voice asked."Um hi is Sam there?" "Can I ask who's calling?!" She asked but her tone sounded frightned. "Tell him its Dean." You could he her call for Sam. Thays when the familer sound of my baby bros voice came on the line. "Hello?!?!" Sam questioned. "Hey Sammy, where are you?!?!" I asked him trying to fight some tears that were coming to the brim of my eye. "Who are you?!?!?!" Hesaid in a harsh, angery, and sad tone. "It's Dean, your brother." I said and wondered why he didn't know it was me. "No, Dean got draged to hell." He said. "Ok, try me what would only we know?!??" I asked trying to prove that I'm me. "What was our first hunt when you came and got me at Stanford?!?!" "It was a woman in white, any more questions?" I asked. "Dean oh my god how are yiu back?!?!" He said. I could tell he was trying not to cry to. "I don't know Sammy, but I'm back so where are you?!?!" I asked. "Um I'm at my house." He said. "Your house???" I questioned. "Yah my house with my girlfrind Amelia." "Oh, that a boy Sammy." I told him. "Shut up, jerk." He told me. "You shut up, bitch." I said. I could hear him start to laugh, it was good to here him laugh. "I miss you bro, if you ever need anything let me know and ill be there in a few hours, I hope you know that." I told Sam. "What are you talking about Dean?!?!" Sam questioned. "Well you meet a girl, I'm not going to take you away from her." I told him. "No, Dean where are you I'm coming to meet you I have the impala." Sam said. I let out a big sigh, he still had Baby. "I'm at a motel in Texas." I said. "Stay there I'm on my way!" Sam told me, before I could answer the line went dead. Starr's POV.... "So how did the phone call go?!?!" I asked Dean. "It went swell, Sams on his way to come meet us." Dean informed Cass, Tori, and I. I just nodded ok. "So... will someone get me a knife?!?!" I asked. Thats when every one staired at me. "Why?!?!" Dean asked. "Well for starters I'm going to find my anti-grace and cut it out so I can be human." I told them. Dean handed me a knif. I found my anti-grace and I cut it out. I gotta say it did hurt, actually it hurt like a bitch. "So... am I human now?!?!" I asked Cass and Tori. They just nodded. "Cool, now I can leave you guys to do your thing, thnks for helping me it means so much." I said as I was heading to the door. I was.almost to the door when Dean grabbed my arm and turned me around and kissed me. "You're not going any where." He said. Thats when I started to blush.

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