Chapter Two

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It was dark and eerily quiet. I expected to hear gunshots but quickly remembered these people hadn't yet developed guns. Yet, the realization wasn't comforting as the whoosh of air zipped past my ear. It was too familiar. I knew what it was. An arrow had narrowly missed me. That time.

The silence turned into cries for help. There were too many, I couldn't help them all and rightfully I was expected to return the fire. It would be against orders not to. I froze when a set of eyes and a familiar hand reached towards me pleading with me for help. Fern.

Orders or not...I had to try...I loaded an arrow into my bow and shot it without watching where it went. Just trying to buy myself a few moments while I ran over to him. Our past in Villam was so long ago. Here he had been my ally.

"You're going to be ok," I lied, taking off my shirt and looking over his injuries. He had already removed the arrow, or more likely from the amount of blood, arrows. I placed the shirt over the spot with the most blood praying to whoever it would start to clot.

"Elro! Elro!" I was being shaken and the voice didn't belong with the scene in front of me. She couldn't be here. She couldn't see this. "Elro please wake up!"

"Gaaaah!" I yelled out as loft became clear around me. Or as clear as it was going to in the dark, only the moonlight peaking through the window to help. I was covered in sweat and struggling to catch my breath. I sat up, hugging my knees to my chest.

It was still only registering that I was home, in Villam. Alenia was next to me concerned, watching me. She turned on the light next to the bed before placing her hand on my back, likely meaning to reassure me. Instead, I flinched. She quickly retracted it, the concern on her face growing.

"You're home, love. You're safe."

I heard her, and I didn't at the same time. I let go of my knees just long enough to wipe some of the sweat out of my eyes. I looked at her for a second and instantly regretted it. I hated seeing that look on her face. So concerned, mixed with...I'm not sure. Pity maybe? I buried my head in my knees so I wouldn't have to see.

"Love...everything is ok."

All the things she didn't know. It was more than I could take. I didn't mean to. I just snapped. Without thinking.

"Ok? None of this is ok! Fern is dead. Everyone is dead! I saw!"

The small girl backed away from me and my anger dissolved into tears. Yet, I didn't sense fear from her. A moment later she was back at my side, trying to comfort me. I couldn't understand why after I had just shouted at her.


I couldn't answer her. I didn't know how she was going to take the news but that certainly wasn't how I was planning to tell her either. I sobbed more. My gentle Alenia pulled me into her loving arms.

Soothingly she stroked my hair as I sobbed, and she gently rocked me as she hummed. Eventually, my sobs slowed and my breath evened out at last. I could feel my body trying to slip back into sleep. Terrified of what I would see if I let it again, I tried to resist. But I was too tired. Too much had happened.

The bed felt strange under me, I was no longer used to sleeping in one. Alenia was still holding me protectively, humming quietly. She stopped as soon as she felt me move, gently pushing my head back against her.

"Sleep, love. You need it. I will protect you still." Her hand on my head was encouraging but not forceful; I moved enough to look up at her. She looked exhausted. How long had I been asleep on her? "Shhhh"

I tried to argue with her, but was clearly more tired than I had thought. I was back asleep before I knew it.

The next time I woke up, Alenia was out from under me. I panicked for a moment, but was quickly distracted by something else; pain. I was unable to stop myself from yelling out but quickly quieted myself. Undoubtedly I was heard though. I didn't want them to worry about me anymore than they likely already were.

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