High All The Time

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Adam must have seen me because he ran after me, naked. "WAIT TY, NO" he grabbed my arm running after me.

"HOW COULD YOU, ADAM?" I yelled as I shook his hand off my arm, my eyes were glazed with tears. I ran out the door and pulled out my phone, calling a cab. How can he do this to me... The cab pulled up, It was the same female driver as last time. I got in and she rolled down the divider.

Her voice was really calming and nice "Hey buddy, where do you need to go? No charge this round, okay?" I nodded my head and asked to go to the nearest hotel, there was no way I was staying in my own house tonight. Especially after they did it in my bed. My cell phone rang, it was "Boyfriend <3" Adam... I pressed ignore. I'm not even ready to talk to him. There was no way that this wasn't his fault, he was ON TOP, he was kissing her neck, this was his choice. If he didnt want me, he should've said it two months ago. "Here we are," the driver interupted my thoughts. She handed me a small piece of paper, "here's my personal number, call me when you need a ride, the rest of the drivers are either scammers or pervs" she said with a smile. "Oh and my name is Kyra, but my friends call me Mudkip" she added.

"I'm Ty," I replied through staggered sobs. I got out and she did too, she was tall and really pretty,she spun around and hugged me, rubbing small circles into my back. Telling me it'll be okay, I sobbed into her shoulder, I barely knew her, but she was already my best friend. She broke the hug, a slight sparkle in her eyes. 

"Text me sometime Ty!" she said as she left. I went into the hotel, clutching the meds I never put down, my arm was already hurting like hell. I went up to the desk and asked for a room. I got room 297, and was handed my key card. I went into the elevator, and pressed level 2. Then, I broke down, everything flashing back. All the amazing memories, and then realizing through all of that, he was with Alesa.. I fell to my knees, sobbing, I wanted to cut again to badly. I was all alone. No one to love, no one to hold, nothing to cherish. I gathered my strength back up, and rose to my feet, the elevator had arrived at my floor. I turned right and walked a little, coming face to face with my door. I slid in the key card and walked in, I went straight to the small fridge and grabbed a water. I took the pain reliver for my arm. I slowly picked up the Rolox and twirled it between my finger, I trusted the nurse and everything, but I just wasn't sure if I wanted to let go. I contemplated the desicion, and took one. Then I sat down, turning on the TV, not really watching it, because my mond was swimming. After 5 minutes, the Rolox began to kick in, I felt happy, I forgot about Adam. So what if he doesn't want me? I texted Kyra. (^^ is texts) ^Hey, I feel a bit better, we should hang out.^

Mudkip c: ^I'm glad you're feeling better! This is Ty, right? We should DEFINITELY hang out soon"

^When is good for you?

^I get off at 5, what about at 6^

^Okay, wanna meet at Mickey's Icecream? My treat c:^

^See you then Ty, c:^

I looked at the clock to see that it was 4 pm, Two hours until I meet up with Kyra, yet I was STARVING, I might as well have dinner so I don't accidentally eat the entire ice cream shoppe. I called the nearest pizza place, and ordered a small pizza. 15 minutes til it gets here, I went on my phone. It was blown up from texts from Adam. Asking where I was, telling me how sorry I was, begging me to come home. Fuck it, I decided to reply. ^I'm not okay, Adam. I cant believe you did that to me. It'll take awhile for me to forgive you, but trust me, I'm rooting for you.^ 

        Ty said that last part over and over until it mushed in his head. "I'm rooting for you"... Was I rooting for him? Did I actually think I was going to ever forgive him? To be honest, I probably was... he'd the love of my life, I may not be all he has, but he's all I've ever had. Depression hit me like a truck. No, I wasn't going to be sad, it was a little soon for another Rolox, but whatever. I took another one, this will be easier if I just stay high all the time. 

       Knock knock. Some one was at the door, probably the pizza guy, so I grabbed my wallet and ran to the door. "Your total is 13.78 sir." It was a female with bright red hair and a black tshirt that Ty recongized. It was Alesa. Ty threw a 20 dollar bill at her.

        "Thank you and fuck you. Alesa."

        She realized who I was, "Look Ty you should forgive Adam. He doesn't love me, he loves you." she said, her voice weak and shaky, tears welling in her eyes. "I realize this now, I'm sorry, I leave you guys alone. You two are truly in love."

        She handed me my pizza and left. I stood there, she completely showed me up. I was so rude, and she was so nice to me. I felt as if I might cry. I took another rolox... and then ate my pizza. 


SHORT CHAPTER SORRY BAES. See Kyra! You're Ty's offical bestie! Next update will contain Ty and Kyra hanging out and a lot of sadness, SO BRING YOUR TISSUES. Update soon! Be active, be turtle. Love you guys! 

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