Chapter 39

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Emie's POV 

Wednesday Night

After a nice evening catching up with Alex and Aaron I come back to an empty hotel room. I'm not surprised Cappie said he was going out with the guys I didn't really expect him to be back I guess a little part of me just hoped he would be.

I'm woken by the sound of the a door slamming followed by things being knocked off of surfaces.

"Cap is that you?" I ask turn the light on.

I see him he looks a mess, his hair plastered to his face, I can smell whiskey on him from across the room and his eyes are like saucers.

"My marijuana angel come roll for me" he slurs falling on to the sofa patting the cushion next to him. Against my better judgement I do as he asks.

"What did you take?" I ask. All I get are giggles in response.

"Shhh don't tell Emie she'll hate me then she'll leave me" he murmurs wriggling so his head was in my lap.

"What are we not telling Emie?"

"That she's too good for me and Brodie is going to steal her" he whines into my lap.

"I don't think she will" I try assure him.

"She's so pretty and perfect she'll realise she's too good for me" he carries on his self deprecating whinging.

"Hey come on you're pretty too" I giggle at him.

"You're very pretty too but I have a girlfriend and I love her" he grumble sleepily

"You're kind of an adorable mess." I whisper down to him, stroking his messy hair out of his face.

After he had fallen asleep I place a pillow under his head and pull a blanket over him.

I leave him a glass of water, a couple of paracetamol with a note saying take me and finally the joint he asked me to roll. I kissed him on the head before getting up and going back to bed.

When I wake up, I decide to shower and dress, giving Cappie a little longer till I wake him. I'm surprised to find him upright he looks rough.

The water and tablets are gone and he is smoking the end of the joint I left him.

"So do you feel as good as you look right now?" I ask him trying to surpress my smile at the pained grimace on his face.

"All right smart ass we can't all look that good in the morning." He grumbles

"You could if you hadn't tried to drink London dry and taken god knows what" I tell him playfully

"At least I didn't wake you" he says stretching himself out.

"You don't remember coming back, destroying everything in your path, waking me up, asking me to roll before passing out on my lap" I ask

"Fuck did I say anything I'm gonna regret" he groans

"No you make a charming mess" I tell him honestly.

"Good" he says standing up "shower then food"

"Don't you want to sleep?" I ask

"I have three months to sleep" he grins grabbing a red bull and heading to the shower.

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