Chapter 7

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 Emie's POV


I woke up in a strange room, in a strange bed and yeah there's a strange man wrapped around me. Except he isn't strange he is gorgeous I think checking him out. I slip out from his arms and slip into the bathroom.

When I'm done trying to make myself a little more presentable I slip back into the bedroom he's still sleeping peacefully. I quickly roll a joint for him to say thanks and leave a quick note. I want to leave my number but one glance at the rock god sleeping tells me he wouldn't be interested. I give the room one more look and spy the hoodie he had been wearing last night. It would be wrong not to have a little memento of the night I think pulling it on as I sigh and slip out of the door. I consider going to find my brother but decide it to just start the hour long drive home. Mum would want her car back.

"Happy Birthday" my mum greats me at the door.

"Thanks" I smile back

"Did your brother look after you?" She asks sternly

"Yeah mum he didn't leave my side" I lie

"Good" clearly she bought it. "Now go change and we will go out for something to eat to celebrate" I nod heading back to my room to change.

After a nice dinner with my mum telling her most of what happened while I was with Alex leaving out everything to do with Cappie. Every once in a while a memory from our night crept into my mind making me smile. I am so ready to sleep and dream about him.



"Happy Birthday for yesterday!" Shouts my best friend Roxy "obviously I would of said it yesterday but you were off partying with Rock stars and your fit brother" she winks

"Ah you mean my charming brother that abandoned me to fuck a groupie you mean" I give her a sidewise glance

"Yuck! So while he was "busy" what did you do.

"Hang out with some of his friends till I got sick of them hitting on me. Met one of the guys from the headline band and then slept and came home." It's not a lie it just isn't all of the truth.

"That's so cool. Not his friends but meeting an actually Rock star! Which one was it?" She asks excitedly.

"Erm Cappie I think" I stumble

"You think!" She snaps in shock grabbing her phone and typing furiously. "Here" she says shoving her phone in my face. I am looking at a picture of the man I had spent the night with. I nod.

"Wow he is so good looking" she murmurs dreamily

"Yeah" I sigh back

"Bitch you are so lucky!" She moans playfully shoving me. She has no idea.

"So Friday" I say changing the subject. Friday is our final day of college

"Yes Friday! Me you Mish and Dan will be hitting the pubs, you finally get to drink with us! Legally any way" she winks.

Good job this week has no real lessons or I would be screwed, all I have done all day is think about him, and all the things I wish I had asked him. When I get home I take out my phone and type his name into Google. There are a lot of pictures of him and his band performing and partying a couple of press shots, he looked good in all of them. Curiosity getting the better of me I clicked on the Wikipedia link attached to his name.

I skim through his bio he's 30, a whole 10 years older than me as I can see his birthday is in November. 6'3 great he's also over s foot taller. I would look like his kid. I read a little longer before I have completely convinced myself he would never be interested in me.

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