Chapter 1- A Shooting

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As I walk to my room I hear a noise. Someone whispering to what I assume is another person. "The boy, is coming. He's coming" The voice repeated in a sinister way. I can not speak as I am to scared. Getting closer the voice got louder. Repeating the same words over and over,"To easy, To easy"! As I got to my door I slowly get ready to face what is inside. Turning the knob, a breathe before It the door slightly opens. Slowly I began to fully open the door. The voice disappeared, I slowly made my way in, a creek at every step. The first thing I notice, my laptop awake. As I get closer to my laptop I notice that the website was my Page! I quickly turn around "Who is here"! I yelled scared to reveal who was in my room making conversation. "You make yourself way to easy to find"! The voice said with out revealing it's position. "Were are you"! I screamed. "Turn on a light and you will see me"! The voice suggested. I quickly pulled the cord that turns on the light but nothing happened. As I quickly study it I noticed the light bulb was gone! "Who are you"! I yelled. An old man walked out of the corner of my room. "You made it to easy for me to find you! You kids are all the same"! The man stated as he walked closer. Stunned I could not move, petrified of the man who had white hair, a scar on his face and a evil grin. The man quickly charged at the boy with a knife he pulled out of his pocket then proceeded to cut the boys lower throat, closer to the collar bone open keeping him alive, stunned and bleeding out. Blood pouring on the floor spraying on the old man's wrinkly scarred up naked body as my body smashes into the ground. The old man covered himself in more of the boys blood then began licking himself as he repeated the words "You taste so good"!

Two years before the incident!

"Mom! I am going to school now, bye" I waved good bye to my mom as she laid sleep on the couch. I paused before I opened the door, awaiting for my mother to say good bye, like always; she did not respond. I walk out and shut the door behind me. Walking outside in the cold weather while the breeze blows my just perfectly done hair into a complete mess. The hair spray made my hair stay a mess until I got to school which was only a ten minute walk away. As I put my ear buds in my ears to listen to my favorite Britney Spears song playing off of my blackberry. Acting like I'm in a music video I pretend to dance and day dream about the day people will scream my name! As I get close to my school, I notice my friends standing around on there little group. "Hey Ash"! I yelled to a young beautiful girl, her curly brown hair and perfectly tanned skin, about my height which made me love her even more. "Joshua"! Ashleigh yelled as a smile struck her face revealing her perfectly straight and white teeth. Ashleigh runs up and gives me a hug before I could take out my ear buds. Quickly I take off my ear buds and ravel them up into a knot then shove them into my pocket. "When did you get here" I say as I try to strike a conversation with her. "Just now actually" Ashleigh replied. "Joshua, you finally arrived! I have been waiting for you". Clark says, yes Clark a tall buff boy around my size but better in every way, perfect facial features. His eyes are a pure emerald green, his skin tanned with out a flaw. When he smiles he lights up the yard, his hair jet black and straight. "Clark, hey". I say with utter disappointment. "I have been waiting for you to get here". Clark assured me. "Why"? I asked confused and waiting for that obvious answer which he cannot say in front of others but me. "I just need to talk to you". Clark confessed as he was avoiding my question. "Okay". I chuckled. As we stop talking we all just look at each other, than start walking to the school as the bell rings. Alerting the students to go to class. As we all arrive to my class room, the bell was still going off. "Students! This is a lock down! Get under your desks"! The teacher instructed all of her students including me as she quickly ran to shut the class room door! The teacher, ran behind her desk and laid under it as she instructed the kids to do! I pull out my blackberry and start texting Ashleigh and Clark. "What is going on" I sent them. Ashleigh replied with "I am not sure". I'm mid text we all hear a gun shot close by. I look around the close room to see kids starting to cry. "Listen everyone we will be alright just try to stay quiet" I whispered to everyone in the class room as the sniffle's from crying slowly simmered down. "Help"! A girl screamed as you heard her run around the school! "We have to do something"! I whispered! "Do nothing or we all will die"! A boy behind me whispered as he was holding I assume is his girlfriend. I ignore the boy and start crawling to the door, as I get to the door I slowly get up. Just before I opened the door I heard another gun shot, quickly I drop to the floor. "Help! Please Someone! Help" The girl screamed, closer this time she was in our hallway! I quickly grabbed the door knob but before I opened the door, I heard another class room open their door! "Thank you"! The girl whimpered. Another gun shot struck but this time you heard a lot of other people scream followed by more shots! As people are screaming I put my ear to the door In hopes of getting a clue on what happened but instead I hear many foot steps running up the hallway stairs. "Put your hands up"! A man yelled. "Never"! another voice screamed as another shot was fired followed by three more. Things got quiet! "Get out your phones and contact you parents! School is canceled! We will call all your parents when it is time to come back"! The principle ordered us through the p.a system! As I and every kid pull's out their phones we call are parents. My phone just rung as my mom had not picked up the phone. "Josh, would I be able to borrow your phone. My phone is dead...". A boy named Tristan asked. He brushes his blonde hair back with his hand. His blue eyes were now watering as others in the class room. I paused as I am starring at his pale skin and his red lips. "Um sure". I responded hesitantly. Tristan takes my phone out of my hand and quickly dials, pressing back three times as he is shaken up from the incident. As was every one in the school. "Mom, something bad happened and I need you to come pick me up. Yea. Okay thanks". Tristan said to his mother who was on the phone. "Thank you, when is your mom going to be here"? Tristan asked. "She didn't pick up...". I replied as I took my phone back. "Do you want my mom to drive you home"? Tristan offered as he smiled. "Um sure, thank you". "Your welcome". Tristan responded. Tristan and I open the class room door to reveal six police officers surrounding the classroom across from our room, covering a body I'm a black baggy. "Oh my god"! Tristan cried. "It's okay, we will be fine". I assured him as we started to walk down stairs to the spot his mom was gonna pick him up. "What happens now". Tristan turned to me looking me straight in the eyes. "Honestly I am not sure! Why did this even happen"! I responded. "Josh, how are you not shaking. Are you even a little upset". Tristan wondered. "Everyone here hates me, no one except you, Clark and Ashleigh have been nice to me. So to be honest I am not very upset! Yes I wanted to help her, no I do not feel anyone should have died today but it happened and I will not make another scene about it until I find out what had happened". I replied calmly making Tristan feel a little uncomfortable as he stopped asking question. A black car pulled up and rolled down there windows. "Who is he"? A female voice asked. "He is my friend, his name is Josh. His mom wouldn't answer, is it alright if you drive him home to"? Tristan asked eagerly. "Sure". His mom replied. "Thank's" Tristan said happily. Tristan got in the car and invited me in, I quickly got in the car and shut the door. "Where do you live"? Tristans mom asked. "Elder drive". I responded. "Thats not that far". His mom said as she drove out of the school's parking lot revealing the five police cars that were parked outside flashing their red and blue lights. As they arrived to my house, I noticed my mother outside talking to my neighboor who happens to be a man. "Typical". I mummered. "Are you alright" Tristan's mom asked me. "Yea, thanks for the drive. It was nice meeting you". I said as I quickly jumped out of the car as it pulled to a stop. Waving good bye to Tristan I quickly run inside by passing my mother who was in mid-flirt with our neighboor. As i get inside I amke my way to the TV. I turn the TV on to the news station which was currently talking about a high school shooting. "A high school shooting at the Muskal secondary school. Police are saying the shooter was a deranged old man, apperently after a girl name Rosey. Intel says they are trying to find out why this man killed her and how he knew of her. Her parents had know idea who this man was. My condolences to the young sixteen year old girl's family and friends. Principle Teran knew something was fishy when he first saw the man enter the property so he immediatly placed a call to the cops and sent the school into lock down. More at seven we will have answers on how this man found her and why he was after her". The femal anker stated as I shut the TV off. I look at the clock which pointed at the ten and twelve suggesting that the time was ten o'clock in the morning. I take my phone out of my pocket revealing twenty seven texts twenty from Clark and seven from Ashleigh

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