Chapter 33

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Chapter No 33

Salaar and Sabeen have been shifted to Islamabad. It’s been two months to their marriage and these two months were bliss for Sabeen. Salaar stood his words when he said that he won’t taunt her about past. In initial days of her marriage she felt down and sulking at little things. Every time he cares for her it reminded her of Ashir but not for once he complained. The respect for him grew even more as he always encouraged her sharing Ashir’s memories with him. His love kept growing in her heart with every passing day. He made her feel safe and loved and she doesn’t wish more from her life.


“Maier wake up, I’ve to tell you something” He smiled with his eyes half open as she shook his shoulder. It felt so serene waking hearing her voice instead of stupid alarm

Seeing him opening his eyes she turned to leave when she was being twirled and with a gasp she landed on his chest

“M-Maier Aa-Aap (you) …” but her words were invaded by his kiss and she felt nauseate as she pulled back immediately

“What happened?” in an instant getting worried he left the bed as she rushed to the washroom

“Anabia are you ok?” Knocking at the door he turned the knob

She was feeling dizzy after throwing up and hardly managed to speak, “I am fine”

“Ok please open the door” 

Only then she came out of the bathroom with her right hand clutching her tummy and left holding the door for support

“A-Anabia” He quickly held her and without caring her resistance he carried her in his arms to the bed. Resting her head with the headboard she closed her eyes

“What happened? How are you feeling now? No wait let me call the doctor” he was panicking like hell and she couldn’t help her smile

“Here I am dying with worry and you are smiling” He didn’t get her as he grabbed his phone to call the doctor only to snatch by her. She was acting weird

“I think instead of doctor you should arrange for extra furniture” She blushed as she tried to hint him but he still looked at her confusedly

“Extra furniture? Why? You want to change the furniture? You don’t like this one” She shook her head immediately

“I don’t mean to change, I mean to say add some new things like ….” He still looked puzzled as moving close he caressed her cheek

“Anabia you are not well, give me the phone let me call …..” but she cut him off as inhaling deeply she closed her eyes

“You’re going to be a father” Saying she quickly hide her face in his chest and it took him few moments to figure out what she just said and as it sink in he possessively hugged her back

“Really .. but how can be you so sure?”

“Actually I tested early morning and it came positive” Backing off he cupped her flustered face and kissed her forehead

“You just made my day. I … I …” Before he could kiss her lips she backed off

“You are not allowed to kiss my lips from now because I feel sick of it. You won’t let me speak a word and you keep kissing me” ignoring her warning he still leaned forward and she moved back

“M-Mai …” She gasped as he planted sloppy kisses along her neckline

“You said not lips, it doesn’t count in” Backing off he winked at her while blushing she hit his shoulder lightly

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