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Ryan runs up to me and offers his hands, but he got a surprise hug from me instead.

"Should I call you Mrs Bieber now?"

"Yeah, it's legal now, you know", I waved my ring at him after ridding myself from the hug.

"You've grown older."

"You've became more beautiful."

"Won't disagree, that I've. Lets get a table."

I watch out the whole place. Ryan breaks my thought saying, "Then why did you choose this place?"

"You know that's my favorite place. Well not only mine, the whole school used to come here. We used to come here."

"That's true."


"What do you think?"

"As if we talked! He must have told you something."

"You know he's sensitive about these things."

He was about to say something when the waiter arrived. We ordered our food. And went back to our conversation.

"I guess you should go with the flow. Or if you want I can talk to him. What's say?"

"I don't know. Melody and my sister told me to do the same. Plus if he doesn't want to talk about me let it be the way he wants."

Ryan trembles a little after hearing Melody's name and steadily says,"That's what you're saying for last 7 years, aren't you? Have some guts Hailey. Whatever is happening right now is not your fault. This is how you messed up the last time."

Seeing me silent he moves foroward to take my hand in his palm, speaks again but softly, "Look I'm not saying this was your fault at school that he hated you or he insulted you in front of the whole group. What I'm saying is that if you had protested you might not have been shuted by people at the sports day."

Flashback  (No one's POV)

".... Hailey everybody's called for assembly, Hurry up." Melody calls her best friend while knocking the toilet door.

"Melody you're not getting it right. It's only to make me look down, to insult me, there's no emergency that the school would call an assem..." Hailey crying and sobbing, couldn't finish her speech.

Suddenly a burst at the bathroom door, Justin entering with all his friends. Ryan tries to stop but he wouldn't listen.

"What are you doing boy, you cannot enter the girls bathroom", says the cleaner.


Melody keeps pleading by the eye contact that Justin used for glaring.


"Hailey please don't think about it. I know he was cruel and I also couldn't do anything to stop him. I'm sorry.."

I let out a tear fall without even knowing.

We ate and gossiped about the other stuff and about Ryan's never ending dating life.

We said our goodbyes and promised to meet soon.

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