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Hailey's POV

I already had a lot to take today, so instead of putting effort on knowing secrets and dad's illegal activities I went to kitchen for dinner.

"Do we have some?"
"No, I'll make it. I learned it from Sofie."

I made dinner and Justin helped me.

"I always wanted to tell you all these things that was forcing me to stay away from you."

As he said, the first thing came to my mind was the sports day at school. I was so eager to ask him why did he offend me that day.


It was our last sports day in school. I was participating in parcel running along with my team. There were 2 girls team and 2 boys.

We stood in our position. I badly wanted to win my last sport at school, but the fact that he was my opponent filled me with nervousness.

When the whistle blew we ran with our sticks in hand. Almost the whole crowd cheered calling 'drew' to give me more shivers. That was obvious because Justin was friend with the largest group of senior year. As time passed my team started pointing at Justin's team to bang them out of the game. They didn't take the competition otherwise and answered with same ambition of winning the game.

When it came to an end it wasn't clear if our team won or theirs. School authority called for a tiebreaker but my teammates literally gave up and handed the trophy to the other team.

I consoled myself by saying that it was a sacrifice but when someone murmured, "filthy cheaters."

"We didn't cheat. Your team's charm bought all my gurls thats all", I said furiously.

Seeing everyone looking at us Justin barked back to get attention,"At least you confessed your fault."

The whole school started thinking that my team tried to cheat and was about to get caught and that's why we gave up. But we didn't.




Seeing me getting out of principal's room with teary eyes Justin followed me. I do not have to explain him anything. But he started doubting. I tried hard to hold my tears at the principal's room and I succeed while explaining that we didn't cheat. But Justin must be thinking that I faked that enquiry.

My tears were running down faster when I ran into washroom. Both Melody and Justin were running after me by then. I locked myself inside a toilet so that I could control myself before going back to the ground. Melody tried hard so that I come out to talk to her but I didn't.

".... Hailey everybody's called for assembly, Hurry up",said Melody.

"Melody you're not getting it right.It's only to make me look down,to insult me, there's no emergency that the school would call an assem...",I couldn't finish.

Only to make it worse Justin also bursted inside the girls washroom. He must had to fight for a few moments with Mrs Georgia, the cleaner, to get inside.

"JUST COME THE HELL OUT OF THE TOILET AND TALK TO ME HAILEY", Justin roared to make cry even harder.

Staffs forced Justin to get out of the washroom. I also came out soon and went back to home early, not attending the price giving session.


"It was the certificate of last sport... wasn't it? That you broke the other day, in the early morning?", failing to control I asked him while serving him meal on his plate.

"So that's what you were thinking about when I called you to get some white wine?"

Rolling my eyes, I went to get glasses and wine for us.

"You know what, I won't lie to you this time. Yes, it was the certificate from last sport that I smashed off the other morning. Because I didn't want you to see that. That's because, you kind of deserve that too."

I totally didn't expect an answer, at least not such as that. I smiled and said,"Only the tiebreaker could say that."

With that we both laughed in a comfort zone and had rest of the meal in a soothing atmosphere.

Funny, how we never expect to laugh at things that made us cry like hell once.

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