Arc Troopers

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The Republic heard of a Separatist plan lead by General Grievous and Asaji Ventress to attack Kamino. In response to this The Republic sent you, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Rex and Cody with the rest of the 501st. As of right now you, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Rex and Cody were about to listen to a intercepted message between General Grievous and Asaji Ventress. "The clone planet of Kamino will be a dangerous target." Asaji warned. "Just make sure you hold up your half of the mission. We must stop the production of new clones. If we are to win this war." General Grievous reminded. The call ended shortly after that. What would give them the gall to try and attack Kamino, to attack Rex's home planet along with many others. "Kamino." Anakin said with flatness. "They're going to attack our home planet." Rex prompted. "The Separatists are taking quite the chance even considering this." Obi-Wan commented. "What would give them this new found confidence to attack Kamino?" You questioned. "With all due respect, General, if someone comes to our home, they better be carrying a big blaster." Rex stated. With the force you can feel the anger burning in Rex with the thought of someone coming into his home and attacking it. You could also feel his fear over losing his home. "I concur with Captain Rex, sir. This is personal for us clones." Cody added. "We'll make sure Kamino is secure. Tell your troopers in the 501st they're going home." Anakin instructed. "Yes, sir." They both said in unison, walking out right after. 

"Masters Kenobi, Skywalker and (L/N), welcome to Kamino." Master Shaak Ti greeted. "Greetings, Generals." The Kaminoan said beside her. The sight of the Kaminoans made your blood boil. They were so cold hearted to the clones. If the clones weren't perfect, made a tiny mistake or didn't pass a test they would be disposed of. You didn't hate them, you just disliked them a unreasonable amount. At the same time without them Rex would have never existed. You didn't want to live in a galaxy where there was no Rex. You didn't just start thinking like this because you were dating a clone, you already disagreed on the treatment of clones, now dating someone that you knew was mistreated because he was a clone just added the wood to the flames of your anger. "I wish our arrival wasn't under such circumstances. We believe Grievous is planning a Separatists attack on Kamino." Obi-Wan expressed. "But the Republic blockade is far too strong. They would not dare." The Kaminoan remarked. 

While Anakin was out in space shooting at the Separatists ships with some clone troopers and Republic Jedi cruisers you were observing the battle in the command center. "Shore up our defenses." Cody ordered. "The fleet is not as large as I expected. Begin the air strike." Shaak Ti ordered. "They might not be relying on their fleet and rather something else." You voiced. Obi-Wan nodded in agreement with you. "Warning! Falling debris." The radio warned. "Grievous appears to be sacrificing his transports in favor of protecting his command ship." Shaak Ti pointed out. "Somethings not right." Obi-Wan said as he rubbed his beard the way he always did when he was deep in thought.

"I'm gonna press the attack, Master." Anakin informed Obi-Wan through the communicator. "No, Anakin. Wait. It's too easy. Not even Grievous would attack so recklessly." Obi-Wan said. "Master, the battle's up here in space, not down." Anakin replied. "Maybe, but the real battles not." You debated. "The debris from the destroyed Separatist ships are key." Obi-Wan revealed. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" You asked Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan looked to you. "I believe so." "What are you two thinking?" Shaak Ti asked. "I think I'd like to go for swim. (N), would you care to join me?" Obi-Wan offered. "I'll take you up on the offer." You responded.

The Kamino sea surround you and Obi-Wan as you searched for the debris.  "Only you two could be worried about the ships I already shot down." Anakin teased. "Oh, wait a minute." Obi-Wan stopped. You see some aqua droids wielding torches zapping something. "Aqua droids. it looks as though they're assembling assault craft." Obi-Wan observed. As the aquatic ship got closer you felt anxiety hit you. "Anakin I was right those downed transports were hiding ships for an under water assault. Anakin, come in." Obi-Wan yelled into the comm. "Hold it right there. Do not move." the aqua droid ordered. They quickly swarm the sea ship you both were using. The glass starts to crack as the aqua droids attack your vessel and Obi-Wans vessel while the alarms beep. You press a button that detaches the rest of the ships from it's parts as it proceeds to float to the surface. With the aqua droids still attacking your vessel, you press a button to open the ship and swim upwards with Obi-Wan as you slice through aqua droids with your lightsabers. While fighting the aqua droids, you found yourself progressively start to lose air, finding it harder to hold your breath in the seemingly endless Kamino sea. You grab on to one of the aiwha creatures right before they fly out of the sea. "Thank you." You told the creature while patting it's head. "Anakin, the city is under attack. We need you down here now." You told Anakin. "On my way." Anakin replied.

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