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Master Yoda has sent you, Anakin, Obi-Wan, the 501st and Obi-Wans battalion to help the Togrutan people of Kori incase the Separatist persisted into "persuading the people" to join their side. It was sad that even a peaceful planet that didn't want to spill blood was being roped into a war that they did not want to be apart of. "All clear, sir. There are no Separatist craft in the system." Cody informed Obi-Wan through the comm link. "It's been ten rotations since Master Yoda's transmission. I just hope we're not too late." Anakin expressed. "Me too." You added. "Rex, take us down." You ordered. "Yes, sir." Rex complied

Now on the ground of Kori, you were riding a battle speeder with Skye in the smaller speeder attached to yours, similar to the ones Anakin and Obi-Wan were riding. The place was strangely quiet and unnerving. "Anybody else think it's too quiet? I haven't seen any colonists." Ahsoka voiced. "I agree. It is odd." You agreed. something was off. "They're probably hiding." Anakin responded. "Let's hope they stay hidden. It makes our job easier if we don't have to worry about them in battle." Obi-Wan added. "I don't like it. The clankers have never been shy about using civvies as living shields." Rex voiced. "I'm sure they're here somewhere." Anakin assured. "Let's make for the city center." Anakin ordered. As you and the battalion got further ahead you saw biker droids stop in front of you. "Biker droids dead ahead." Ahsoka stated. "Squad, tighten up. Form on me." Anakin ordered. The squad started to squeeze inward. The battalion kept driving toward the droids. Rex started to shoot at the droids, shooting one of them. In response, one of the biker droids shot at a trooper. Ahsoka stood up and took out her lightsabers to block the blasts made by the droids, her feet planted firmly . You and Anakin pulled out your lightsabers and slashed the biker droids as they pass. Once they turned back around they followed they battalion.  Both Ahsoka and Rex turned around to shoot at them, still attached to their partners speeder. Ahsoka jumps off her smaller speeder to jump onto the biker droids, giving a clean slice to it's neck before hoping back to the speeder. "We're all clear, Master." Ahsoka informed Anakin.

Moving forward, you could see that Separatist droids and tanks waiting for the battalion. Ahsoka, Skye and Rex quickly take down a portion of the droids. The tank on the left moves it's cannon to shoot at the battalion, but Rex quickly takes out his rocket launcher and shoots, hitting it and the remaining droids. With the last tank Ahsoka does a force jump over to it. She drops a couple of bombs into the hatch and jumps back onto the speeder all with skill. "Captain have your men secure the area." Obi-Wan ordered Rex.

"How are we doing, Boil?" You asked. "We're still mopping up clankers here and there, sir. We've established a perimeter around the Governor's Tower. No one gets out without a fight" Boil answered. "Good work." Obi-wan commented, turning his attention to Cody. "Cody, any word from the Separatist commander?" Obi-Wan asked. "He's barricaded inside. His name is Darts D'Nar. He has sent you a message, sir." Cody replied, pulling out his hologram transmitter. "Master Kenobi, come to the tower. We will negotiate terms for surrender." Darts D'Nar pompously said, making you think he was talking about your surrender rather than his. "Well that was easy." Obi-Wan said with relief. You finch when Anakin uses the force to bring the hologram transmitter to his hands and crushes it with little effort. "Zygerrian scum. I'll handle that slaver." Anakin angrily decided. You saw Ahsoka look up from where she was working to give Anakin a confused look. "Anakin, he asked for me. I need you to locate the missing Togruta colonists." Obi-Wan reminded. "Fine. I'll have Admiral Yularen initiate a planetary bio-scan." Anakin begrudgingly agreed. You throw an empathetic look his way but he either didn't see it or ignored it. "Why is he so upset?" Ahsoka asked. "Has never talked about his past, has he?" Obi-Wan asked Ahsoka. You already knew about Anakin's past from your days as Padawan. Whether it was rumors of a new Padawan from slavery or Anakin's resentment of slavery overall and his stories from Tatooine. "Only to tell me he won't talk about it." Ahsoka replied. "As a child, Anakin and his mother were sold into slavery by the Hutt clans." Obi-Wan explained. "It's a chapter in his life that is rather unpleasant. It doesn't bring back the best memories." You added. "Oh. And these Zygerrians, they're slavers?" Ahsoka asked. "Anakin has always struggled to put his past behind him." You explained. "Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on him." Ahsoka assured. "Thanks, Ahsoka." You said. "Yes. Make sure you do." Obi-Wan added. 

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