We are scared, we are terrified, we are not stepping out of our house. We are emotionally and physically tired of being isolated, watching those empty road which used to be noisy and filled with people.
We are helpless and scared.
Imagine our helplessness on the day of judgement.
This is a chance for us to be a better version of ourselves. Try everyday to be a better Muslim, a better person.
Today we are afraid from "Corona virus"
Don't be, be scared of Allah.
Have faith in him.
Take proper precautions, Stay at home, Stay safe and do lots of dua to Allah Almighty to remove the corona virus
from whole world wide.
-- Hijabi gal
Bushra's Diary ♡💓
عشوائي#3 in girly things Asalamu alaikum beautiful people ❤ So here I am with something different... I will be writing some beauty tips... I will be writing my own thoughts.... Some short inspiring stories related to Islam Hope this benefits you all...