chapter 7 | got to heaven

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Seungmin's POV

--- Skip to College ---

Graduation was very chaotic as people screamed and cheered but everything went as we thought. And like we planned, Y/N got into the same college as mine. My feelings haven't changed and I think it was time for me to finally say something.

 My feelings haven't changed and I think it was time for me to finally say something

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"Hey.. Y/N.. Could I talk to you?" I said, inhaling a deep breath.

"Yeah.. What's up?" She said, a little distracted on her phone. Like normal universities, we only had a few classes a day and Y/N and I had one open at the same time. We were outside as she leaned against my car, checking to see any good places to go at lunch. I have to do it now or otherwise, I'm never going to be able to. I sucked in a deep breath before going closer and taking her phone. Her attention was all on me now as she stares up at me with her sparkly eyes.

"Y/N!" I hear a familiar voice say. It was Bang Chan and Seo Changbin. Our new best friends. It's just so happened to be that Jisung was their friend and he also went to this school. After the whole bet breakup, Hyunjin and Minho went to same school as Felix. Talk about coincidences. Even with all the universities here, we all ended up in just two separate ones. Y/N instantly smiles looking at Chan. God.. He just had to ruin this moment. Chan insists that he doesn't like Y/N in the way I do but I just can't help but feel like maybe Y/N does.

"Channie!" She says as she jumps up to him in a hug. Catching her, he grabs on to her waist as he carries her back. I looked away in jealousy.

"Oh wait.. Sorry, you had something to say, Min." She says, remembering.



Later on after we ate and had gone to our next class, I was thinking about how Seungmin's been acting weird every since we got into university. He's still goofy around me but something feels off. Was I tiring him out now? What was it about? I see Han Jisung in the hallways walking. I'm okay with him now and it all ended nicely. Actually, he apologized about it all and he's just a good friend now. I had an open class again since I only had mine in the evening but I stayed because I had one in the morning and Seungmin's my ride back home.

Not Enough (Seungmin x Reader x Minho)Where stories live. Discover now