episode 2 # the earth spirit /butterbeans secret message.

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" the cadets was training in HQ ,but meanwhile at puddlebrock butterbean already open the everything is already be okay but suddenlly a butterbean Saw a sledding by a front of the door , cricket Saw it too and she bring it to her big sister and also marmalady was say to spork and spact to look what is going on"

Butterbean : what is that letter come from.
Cricket : i don't know but is not Mrs marmalady letter just open.
Butterbean : okay cricket but we don't know the person.
"Dear guardian of spring , is someone read this letter Will have a quest to find the earth spirit ,find the fifth spirit guardian and go into the unknown"
Dazzle : woah is it that real.
Butterbean : i'm not sure.
Poppy : *look at the letter* *gasp* oh my squah.
Butterbean : what it is Poppy.
Poppy : is that the arendelle letter.
Cricket : what's the meaning of that.
Poppy : well from the old day she was the queen call Iduna and she have 2 Daughter ,the first daughter is Elsa she have ice and snow power to control and also the second daughter is Anna but don't have a magic power like her sister.
Cricket : hey it just like me and butterbean.
Butterbean : so the queen Iduna is still alive.
Poppy : well she and her husband king agnar was pass out from many , but you have  a quest but if you hear her siren that siren will guide you to the old cave.

"On out spork and spact were shock about the story' that Poppy already say"

Spact : we better call Mrs marmalady.

"They were going back to the marmalady cafe and they gonna talk about that"

Mrs marmalady : well what are they doing.
Spact :  well butterbean was on quest to find the earth spirit.
Mrs marmalady : wait what  kind of earth spirit .
Spact : well when the letter said that " find the earth spirit , find the fifth spirit guardian and go into the unknown"
Mrs marmalady : well okay bring everything to the bag and go.

"With butterbean and cricket were already go to the forest and start to hear for siren until the siren is already calling out her"

Siren (Iduna)

Butterbean : the siren is coming from of there.
Cricket : c'mon *holding her hand and fly*
Butterbean : woah slow down cricket.

"When butterbean and cricket already gone Mrs marmalady with spork and spact were looking for the sisters but they already go "

Mrs marmalady : ugh ,we lost them but that's okay we gonna make our own path.

" When butterbean and cricket already got to the old cave they found a earth spirit and when butterbean touch it they were already at the party room the sisters became shock"

Cricket : wow that is awesome adventure right.
Butterbean : well yeah , and c'mon.

"They we're going down stair and going to the kitchen and say to Poppy"

Poppy : so any luck with that.
Butterbean : yup we are go it.

"The Bean team looking at the earth spirit and"

"The Bean team looking at the earth spirit and"

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Jazper : wow how do you get that crsytal.
Cricket : in the forest.
Jazper : well you better keep that spirit safety.
Cricket : let me guess Mrs marmalady.
Jazper : well not Mrs marmalady is the unknown person that someone have a darkness spirit that darkness spirit is still around everyone.
Dazzle : oh that's terrible.
Butterbean : is okay i can do this because a have cricket that gonna be okay .
3 them : okay.
Butterbean : okay let's get cooking.

"After that Mrs marmalady was already in her own cafe and when she Saw is the earth spirit , Mrs marmalady became selfish and angry that butterbean got the earth spirit"

the four guardian spirit choose ones season 1.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang