Just helping

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Brittney POV

I started waking up from a good dream I was having. I sat up and realized I was druling in my sleep so I quickly wiped it away and heard my stomach start growing." How did you sleep" I heard my mother say. I looked in her direction and saw my mother and father eating what was in a wooden bowl. I walked over and started to eat some of the berries that were in the bowl and asked "who left this here". My mother said "I think it may have been udo". After a few minutes we all finished eating and I left the cave while my mother and father stayed to finish decorating. I walked down a path on the snowy mountain and saw a cave that was next to ours. Me being curious I peeked into the cave and saw a man sleeping in a nest. I walked into the cave so I could get a closer look at the man and when I got close I realized I was in udo's cave. He looked cute while he was curled up in his nest. I then notice that he was shaking. It must have been because of the cold. Even though he already had a blanket around him I could tell the blanket was not doing anything to keep him warm. Then I had a idea, it could be risky but I didn't want udo to become sick. I slowly and quietly crawled into udo's nest and rapped my arms around him and after a few seconds his body stopped shaking. I stayed in that position until I heard voices from outside udo's cave." Well well well, Brittney if I didnt know any better I'd say that you are a little to close to udo" maleficent said with a big smile along with borra. I quickly let go of udo an stood up and said "please dont tell my parents". She smiled and said "dont worry dear we wont". Borra walked up to udo and smacked him while yelling "WAKE UP SNOW BOY" . Udo jumped out of his nest and started screaming at borra not to that again. Borra, maleficent, and I laughed then my parents came into udo's cave and said hello." Hey maleficent are there any jobs I could do around the moors" I asked with a smile. She looked at me then my parents and they nodded. Maleficent said "you could help udo with teaching the fey children". I agreed to this job and my mother got the job of getting food and and my father got the job of hunting. It was time for udo to go and teach the kids so I said my good byes to my mother and father and flew off with udo. We landed in a patch of grass and flowers. I asked udo "where are children". He said "they will be coming soon". Then he thanked me for trying to keep him warm which made you blush. After waiting for a few minutes you heard the children start to come and sit on the ground. Udo got all the children calmed down and introduced me. He said "children, this is Brittney, she will also be your teacher and will be helping me from now on". A cute little rainforest fey girl walked up to me and touched my hair and said "you have pretty hair Brittney". I smiled and said "thank you, you have pretty hair too". This mare the little girl smile and she ran back with her friends. Udo then started the class and said "today we will learn how to make plants grow, now I need the boys to come to me and the girls to go to Brittney". The children broke off into their groups, udo had the boys and I had the girls. For hours I showed them how to grow trees and flowers. Everything was going well until a big boom sound filled the air and the children began to cry and get scarred. Udo grabbed all the boys and I grabbed the girls and we flew to a large cave where some elder fey were sitting along with borra and malifecent. Me and udo put the children down and they ran towards the elders and hid behind them. Udo explained to the elders, borra, and maleficent what happened and they were shocked. While no one was looking I flew out of the large cave and flew towards the sound and saw what looked like knights  fighting other knights right next to the moors. I flew down and hide behind a bush that was at the top of a small hill and watched the war play out. The knights that wore golden armor defeated the knights that wore blue armor. I stepped  alittle closer and tripped, then I began to roll down the hill and fell right infront of the knights wearing golden armor." Well well, look what we have here" a man said while looking down on me. To be honest he was kinda handsome but I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was evil. The man bent down to my level and put a sword to my neck and ask "what's a creature like you doing here". I said "I was just walking by and I fell, I'm sorry if I bothered you but I think I'll leave now". After I said that I tried to run away but the man grabbed me by my hair and lifted me up to the point where my feet weren't touching the ground. The man smiled and said "the king is going to enjoy you". After he said that he threw me to the ground and him and the rest of the knights began to stomp and punch me and the only thing I could do was cry. After they finished beating me they threw me into a cage and they began to leave the moors and took me with them. I saw the moors get smaller and smaller as I was getting taken away from my parents, friends, and udo. That's when I got an idea, i used all my strength and screamed udo's name at the top of my lungs.

Udo POV(night time)

I was trying to find where Brittney had went when I started to hear her voice screaming my name. I flew as fast as I could to sound of her voice and what I saw made my blood boil. I saw some knights walking away with Brittney in a cage as if she were an animal. I flew down a used my magic to grow vines and throw the knights far away from the moors. Then I went to cage that Brittney was in. When I saw her my heart stopped. Her skin was no longer the cream like color it was before but now it was purple,blue,black, and red. I opened the cage and carried her bridal style in my arms.

Brittney POV

I looked up at udo as he carried me in his strong arms. I lifted my hand a rubbed his cheek bone to get his attention which worked. I said "udo, thank you for saving me, I owe you my life". Udo looked at me and stopped flying and sat on the ground with me still in his arms and said "you don't owe me anything, I'll do anything for you Brittney". Aftet he said that my face went pink as I blushed and them smiled. He then resumed flying to the large cave where the elder, borra, malifecent and now my parents were. When they saw udo carrying me they asked what happened. They took one look at me and then started to rap me up in bandages. The last thing I saw was the elders rapping my in bandages along with my parents then everything went black.

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