The end

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Brittney POV

I was breastfeeding Wynter as Udo and Borra trained all the dragon warriors who came forward to fight. Naomi played with Tobe' and Maleficent was taking a nap. I turned to Naomi who kept looking at Borra. I asked "Naomi, why are you staring at Borra like that". Naomi said with a slight blush "I...I kind of like Borra". I smiled and said "you know, Borra likes you too". Naomi went wide eyed and said "really he likes me". Then Borra came up to us and said "ok, the warriors are ready to fight against the other kingdom. We just need a time to strike". Delma then came up to us and said "you all have done well training the warriors. I believe that a good time to strike the other kingdom would be tonight". Naomi asked "why tonight". Delma said "well a scout said that the other kingdom is having a celebration for over coming Ulstead tonight". Borra said "alright, then tell all the warriors to rest up now". Delma nodded and left but before she did she said "oh Naomi, Estrana wants to see you". Naomi took a deep a breath and followed Delma. Udo came up to me but he look nervous and said "Brittney, i'm going to be fighting along side the dragons". I looked at Udo with wide eyes and said "Udo what if you die. I can't raise two kids by myself". Udo said with tears in his eyes "i know but please just incase I don't make it back take care of our kids ok". I felt tears build up in my eyes and I nodded. Udo rapped his arms around me and said "i love you, Tobe' and Wynter". I said "i love you too". 

That Night(Udo POV)

Borra, a few dragon warriors and I lied behind a few bushes in the castle garden. When Borra gives the signal all the dragons will ambush all the golden knights, King Marlen and Queen Jane. After we saw that everyone was in the castle courtyard, Borra gave the signal and we ambushed all of enemies. The golden knight brought out crossbows and began to shot iron bullets at us. I saw that King Marlen and Queen Jane were running towards the castle gate. I landed in front of King and Queen and said "you won't make it out of here alive after what you did". Queen said "oh yea and who is going to kill us". I said "you will both be executed". The King smiled and said "well if that's so then at least I get to kill you". I asked in amusement "how will you kill me". The Queen pulled a dagger out from behind her and through it at me but missed. Then the while I wasn't looking the king pulled out a dagger and through it at me and it landed in my chest. I screamed in pain but soon I felt my body starting to slowly shut down. I fell on my back and just as the king was about to finish me Borra came up behind him and snapped his neck. Borra kneeled down next to me and looked at my wound and said "that dagger hit you close to your heart. Hold on Udo". Borra threw me over his shoulder and flew me back to the cave that me and Brittney shared. He lied me down in my nest and began trying to stop the bleeding but soon i blacked out.

Brittney POV

I watched in teary eyes as Udo lost blood. I sat next to udo and began praying that he would live and make a full recovery. Borra put his ear to Udo's heart and he went pale. I asked "Borra, what's wrong". Borra closed his eyes and said "he....he's dead". My heart stopped an my body went numb. I look down at my dead mate and began to cry the longer I looked at his dead body. Borra said "i'm sorry Brittney". Naomi, Maleficent and Ini came in the cave and when they saw Udo they all went pale. Maleficent walked up to me and asked "Brittney what would you like to happen to Udo's body". I said "can you try and heal him". Maleficent sighed and said "I can't heal the dead Brittney". I screamed "please try". Maleficent walked over to Udo and began using her magic to try and save Udo. After a few minutes, Udo opened his eyes and sat up. I smiled and cried even more. Udo hugged me and I hugged him back. I looked at Naomi and asked "what happened to the king and queen". Naomi said "well Borra snapped the king neck and the queen is about to be executed". I nuzzled myself deeper into chest and then Tobe' came running into the cave with Aurora behind him who was holding Wynter. Aurora handed Wynter to me and Tobe' nuzzled himself into Udo's side. Udo smiled and picked up Tobe' and all four of us nuzzled into one another and watched as Ulstead was restored back to the rightful rulers of Ulstead. The sun began to rise and so did a new future for everyone.

                                                                                           The End


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