THREE ━ ❝opposing figures❞

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◤ chapter three: ❛ opposing figures ❜ ◢

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chapter three: ❛ opposing
figures ❜ ◢

          COOPER DIDN'T KNOW WHY HE KEPT AGREEING TO THESE TYPE OF THINGS. Honestly, if he thought a tattoo parlor with Scott and Stiles was a shit show, a party had to be even worse. Like honestly, they looked like they had never stepped out of their houses before, of course they were going to fail with the party vibe, so why in the world did he think coming along for this when Scott invited him was a good idea?

Oh, right. He just loves to torture himself with dumbasses while also getting drunk off his ass even though Julia said that it was never good to place himself in a vulnerable position when he was still learning control and there would be hunters coming to get him because apparently sirens were a hot commodity. Well, guess what Julia, he needed a drink after learning that the birds and the deer could be a sign of something worse – which was totally not what he wanted when he came looking for advice, thank you very much.

But now he had it, and everyone else had it, and something worse was something he wanted to forget, so the party. And it was a party Cooper didn't even know would be fun or not because it was for Stiles' friend and Stiles kind of seemed like one of the most vanilla people in the world so Cooper didn't exactly have high hopes.

At the end of the party, a party was still a party, and booze and hookups always took his mind off of everything else, so why not?

Although, Scott didn't look too enthusiastic himself. And here Cooper thought he was supposed to fill the role of the complainer in the group, but whatever. Who cares, honestly? He can give it up for Scott this one night.

"What?" Stiles questioned when he saw the deflated look on Scott's face. Parties were supposed to be a fun thing that got people excited but Scott looked like the exact opposite and Cooper wasn't really fairing any better because he had a lot of doubts about the party. Stiles was the only one remotely excited for this.

"What do you mean what?" Scott asked back, and he genuinely looked confused like he didn't know he was projecting how much he did not want to be there. It made Cooper's lips twitch up at how oblivious the boy could be about everything. That obliviousness was not doing anything for keeping him alive though, and Julia would have a heart attack if she knew that Cooper hung around someone like this.

"I mean what, and you know what," Stiles said to that, and Cooper was about to have an aneurism with how they were avoiding what they really wanted to ask the other.

"What what?" just kill him already, please.

"That look you were giving!" Stiles pointed him, finally saying what he had originally meant in the first place. Thank God because Cooper was about to shoot himself.

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