FOUR ━ ❝scattered moonlight❞

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 ◤ chapter four: ❛ scattered moonlight ❜ ◢

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chapter four: ❛ scattered
moonlight ❜ ◢

AFTER EVERYTHING THAT ALREADY HAPPENED AT SCHOOL, COOPER WAS SURE THAT THE REST OF THE DAY WOULD BE A BREEZE. Oh, how wrong he was. Why would he get an easy day at school when the universe could be against him and make it so Stile's old friend who they went to the party for ended up dead?

          Yeah, Heather whatever her last name was, got killed on her birthday. Unfortunate, really, Cooper would hate to die on the day he was born, even though it would be really ironic and at least as a ghost he could crack a joke about himself. But not everyone was like Cooper and could see that irony, especially the police who pulled Stiles out of class to tell him then interrogate him, and Scott who was down in the dumps that a person died.

          It was a natural part of life really, so Cooper didn't understand why Scott and Stiles were trying to figure out what happened to her. It could be anything, some guy thought she was hot and went psycho, hit and run, anything really. But no, because this was Beacon Hills and Scott and Stiles, they went straight to werewolves.

          "So, you think they kidnapped Heather to turn her?" Scott asked, if a bit skeptically.

          "They? What kind of they are you talking about?" Cooper asked, because he was feeling a little left out, especially if what they were talking about concerned him and his safety. He was too young to die – and too pretty. He needed to continue to grace the world with his beautiful face and he couldn't very well do that if he died! How could they not understand the stakes here?

          Scott shuffled uncomfortably, "A pack of alphas is coming here."

          "And none of you though to tell me this?" Cooper blinked at them before scoffing and looking away, "Wow, what friends you are."

          "I kinda had other things on my mind," Scott rolled his shoulder uncomfortably before adding, "Sorry, though..."

          Cooper waved it off, because honestly it wasn't the end of the world, just the end of his life potentially, and Scott did apologize for it, so that was something.

          "But come on, Derek says that it's easier to turn teenagers, so maybe?" Stiles said, and Cooper thought he was grasping at straws now. Not that he would voice that, because then they would get mad, and he didn't need to get them any more sour towards him than they already were.

          Not like it was his fault that Allison got manipulated by her family and tried to kill him, that's her own damn fault, and he could hold a grudge about it as long as he wanted because it was his life she almost ended.

          "But what would a pack of alphas need with a beta?" Scott asked him, poking more holes in his story.

          "If they're this all-powerful alpha army, they might just want some fresh meat to tear into," Cooper shrugged, looking over to see the shocked looks of dumb and dumber, "What? They might be cannibals, we don't know."

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