07: Great Joke

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Part Seven: Great Joke

Bursting through the double doors, the three teenagers were met with the last few soccer players that were heading home after their practice. After greeting a few of them, Y/n turned to the two boys.

"Where is he?"

"By the bleachers probably. That's where he said he was going to be." Jimin answered, gesturing down the hallway.

"Let's go." Jungkook announced, jogging towards the part of the school that led to the field.

They reached the changing rooms in no time and decided to walk the rest of the way due to Jimin's lack of breath. As they walked towards the end of the tunnel which ended by the bleachers, the echoes of voices could be heard. A male and female one. Y/n frowned, looking over at Jungkook who shrugged. Shaking the weird feeling, Y/n carried on.

"We'll stay here to give you two some privacy." Jimin teased, wiggling his eyebrows causing Y/n to roll her eyes. The young girl turned round and continued walking.

She finally reached the end of the tunnel, facing the bleachers. As she walked towards the end of the stands, she realised the voices had stopped. Turning the corner, Y/n was met with a sight she wished she never had seen.

Taehyung was leant against the metal bar of the bleachers, kissing Soomin. Without waiting another second, Y/n swiftly turned back the way she came and ran down the tunnel. She heard Taehyung call out her name behind her, but she kept running. Her world was obliterated. Jimin and Jungkook pushed themselves off of the wall they were leaning on, meeting her with concerned gazes.

"Y/n?" Jimin started.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook questioned, holding her head between his hands.

Y/n didn't even realise she was crying until she felt Jungkook brush her tears away, the damp feeling spreading across her face.

Jimin's attention focused behind the young girl as he spotted Taehyung running after her, with a small girl following him. Oh god.

"Mind telling us what happened?" The orange haired boy spat as he glanced between the taller male and his shadow. Jungkook moved Y/n closer to his body, wrapping an arm around her waist as tears silently poured out of her eyes. The movement earned a glare from Taehyung.

"Baby?" Soomin cooed, looking up at Taehyung. "What's going on?"

Jungkook stared, his mouth agape.

"You have got to be kidding." He scoffed.

"Soomin, get out of here." Taehyung growled, not sparing a glance at the petite girl, his eyes solely focused on Y/n whose eyes were trained to the floor.


"I said leave!" He yelled, causing everyone to flinch.

Soomin huffed, a frown etched on her face, before she walked around the group, heading towards the school. A silence covered the remaining teenagers, no one daring to speak first.

"So," Jungkook voiced, rubbing Y/n's back. "You going to explain what the fuck just happened?"


"They kissed." Y/n cut Taehyung off, rubbing the tears clean from her eyes.

"You what?!" Jimin and Jungkook exclaimed simultaneously.

"It's not what it looked like, I promise."

"Then what was it supposed to look like, Taehyung? Because to me, it looked like you two were making out." Y/n retorted, her sadness violently replaced with anger.

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