Chapter 1

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Auhtor's note:

 So, it took me 5 years to finish this book. If anyone is still here, then welcome back and I thank you for your patience and for sticking with me through all these years. It has taken me a long time to get this book to where I wanted it, in addition to writing, sadly not being my priority anymore as I am now about to finish my studies.

Please enjoy as I will give you the whole book at once. I think you deserve that. 

And if you are new here. Welcome, I hope you will enjoy!

This is the sequel to my book "Fake Love".



3rd person POV:

*Beep beep beep*

The only noise that can be heard in the otherwise quiet room. The machine being unreasonably annoying to the dark-haired person leaning against the window on the third floor. The view outside is stunning, a breath-taking canvas that displays the beautiful city that is Seoul. But the men inside care nothing for it. The only thing occupying their otherwise  busy minds, is the man lying unconscious on the bed. Wires surrounding his body, plugged to all kinds of machines that are doing their very best to keep him alive.

It's been like that for the last 2 weeks. There's been no changes and the men staring intently at the body in the bed are starting to grow restless. For how long should they keep him like this? For how long will it be worth it? All the vital signs are there. His values are normal so it's all up to him if he wants to wake up or not.

"You reckon a gunshot will jumpstart him?" The black-haired man barely glances towards his friend situated in the sofa across from him. The bed is the only thing separating the two of them. He says it without any sense of emotion. Like it's the most logical thing that fell into his mind. His mate glares at him. A cold, emotionless glare that shows everyone that this man has seen stuff. This man has been through things he would rather forget and it has scarred him for life. He refuses to acknowledge it, but everyone knows that he's broken.

They all are.

"The fuck is wrong with you!" he snaps back, a tiny roar lingering at the end of his rhetorical question. The younger huffs in response, blowing hair away from his eyes, while crossing his arms playing offended. His hair still jet-black as it has always been, but it has grown longer and if he tried, he's pretty sure he would be able to place it in a small ponytail. "Hey, I'm just throwing out options here. Thought it would kickstart his memories or something, you know" he raises his shoulders in a 'whatever' kind of manner before returning to his previous task; staring out into nothingness.

It's quiet again for a while, a long while. But it's not that awkward kind of silence. More the calming one as they both wait. For anything. A reaction, a sound, something different.

But, 3 hours later they give up. They have both come to the conclusion as they do every day, that nothing's gonna happen today, so they decide to leave and try again another day. There's always another day they think as they walk out the doors of the private hospital.

The road to their temporary home is quiet as usual. They live like this. Never stay at one place for too long or they might get noticed. They're fugitives after all.  They never leave the city though, Seoul is big enough for them to stay around for a while and they make sure to never move too far away from the hospital. The patient inside is still important to them and they can't give up on him just yet.

Yes, they've had their differences, their arguments, their fights. But they're brothers by bond. Their history running too deep for them to just give up on each other.

The other fucker is dead. 

His body rotting hopefully at least 6 feet deep underground and they both couldn't be happier. They mourned, sure they did. After all the guy meant something to them. Took them in when they had nowhere else to go. Gave them a place to stay and people to trust as long as they promised to stay loyal to him, work for him. But did he stay loyal to them?

No, he didn't.

And he betrayed them and several of the people they had come to know as family. A very fucked up, insane family, but they still felt like they belonged to someone and that was good enough for them. Now, they only have each other. Now it's back to where they were before all this happened. Before they got to know the infamous Kim Namjoon and his thirst for revenge.

"Do you think he'll be alright?" The younger one asks it without thinking. Like his mouth is moving automatically before he can comprehend what he is saying. He has changed. He used to don't care about other people. His whole life he has been taught to never trust anyone and only fend for himself. But now without wanting to admit it, he actually finds himself worrying about the other. 

The pale one shrugs, pretending not to care and on the surface he doesn't, but deep inside he knows. This man was part of their family too. He trusted this man and in the end,  he would hate to see anything bad happen to him.

"Don't know. I guess it's up to him really. The doctors and nurses can't do much more now and Jung said for a guy with his injury, he's lucky he's still breathing." The pale one only states the facts, not really sure what else to say that could possibly comfort the younger. Is the same information they have been given every day for the last two weeks now and it's all they know.

Suddenly feeling restless, he contemplates whether or not he should run of to some excluded alleyway for a nice deal while the younger one has more important things on his mind.

It has been growing inside him for some time now. He sleeps, eats and breathes the name of his most desired target. The one and only trophy that he's drooling for. The only reason he's still breathing.

It has become a sick, twisted type of obsession. He feels the strong need to protect the young man. To own him and lock him away from the rest of the world which obviously isn't safe for him. He would keep him safe. He would make sure no one else would see or touch him again. He would make sure he will be his forever.

"You any closer?" Min asks, knowing very well what is occupying his friend's mind.

"So close" Jeon confirms, pinching his fingers together to demonstrate how close, a sly grin following.

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