Chapter 11

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"You two done yet?" the moment is rudely disrupted by a tired and slightly annoyed officer standing in the doorway. The two of them scowl at him, but Jung can only chuckle, crossing his arms disapprovingly. "Well, when you two are in fact done. I think we should get a fucking move on." He growls. "If you didn't already forget, someone is after that little lover boy of yours V," Jung rushes, watching Jimin send him a hateful look in return.

He stands up abruptly, pushing V away from him as to signal that he doesn't need his help. His back to the cold, hateful Jimin. The one that doesn't need anyone to care for him or baby him. He's an independent young man who can fend for himself. At least that's what he tells himself. "I'm not anyone's lover boy," he growls towards the grinning police officer, hoping that if he just stares hard enough, he will drop dead or something.

V looks baffled for a second, as if he just witnessed a good scene from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It almost makes his skin crawl, watching how Jimin changes personalities that quickly, with just the snap of his fingers. It makes V wonder how bad they actually fucked him up back then. Did they completely ruin Jimin?

V hoped not.

He recalls back when he was kneeling in front of him. When his very own gun was the one that was about to send him to hell. V remembers it as if it was yesterday. He remembers the feelings he felt. The worry, the anger, but also the calmness. He felt at peace. He was ready to take his punishment. He was ready to face his crimes.

And Jimin. Sweet, innocent Jimin who was completely broken. Who had built up a wall around himself that he worked so hard to keep up. If the wall were to come tumbling down, so would Jimin. The young, naïve little man would break into a million pieces that could never be repaired. But V saw it that night. That little sparkle, hidden deep inside his soul. That tiny little glimpse of power and fight that made V sure. He was sure that Jimin would be fine. It would take years and years of therapy and nightmares, but that little fire was enough to tell V that the boy would eventually make it.

"Are you fucking coming or are you waiting until that bullet reaches your brain?!" Jung growls. Jimin has already made his way over. He looks unbothered back at the man still kneeling on the ground, his face now devoid of any emotion. He makes sure to keep a safe distance from the both of them. What was he thinking? Letting himself soften up like that? No!! It can't happen! He can't let himself break that barrier again. It's his defensive shield and this time he's keeping it up!!

Jimin can only stare, watching with a hint of worry, but also annoyance as V scrambles to his feet. The man is unsteady. He's been in a bed for far too long and who knows when he will be back to his old self, if ever. The man's on borrowed time, his life is about to call a game over, but until then, he will use every last breath to make sure that maybe, just maybe he could end up in heaven instead of hell.

"So, what's the plan?" V asks, pretending that everything is okey and that he's not out of breath from simply standing up. "Don't fucking know, I thought you were the one with a plan?!" Jung raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "Or has that bullet started digging already??" he taunts, watching V's lips form a straight line. He glares back, sending a warning threat to the young police officer that only laughs in reply.

"We can't stay here," Jimin whispers, looking around nervously. "Jimin's right. This will definitely be the first place he'll look. We have to leave, now!" V continues, grabbing a hold of Jimin's hand and starts pulling him towards the entrance. The young man hesitates and starts resisting. Planting his feet in the ground, he aggressively pulls his hand out of Vs steel grip and scowls at him. "Don't touch me!!" he hisses through gritted teeth, glaring a hole into Vs already broken soul before he rushes past him.

Vs left baffled while the young officer can only try to hide his laugh with a sad snicker. "Ooo, feisty," Jung comments mockingly before following Jimin, leaving an annoyed V who currently contemplates how much they actually need this man before reluctantly following him.

The sun forces a grimace on their faces and it takes a couple of seconds before they get use to their surroundings. Not that it has changed very much, but when you move from a very dark, worn out place to the outside were everything is warm and bright, you tend to take a little time getting used to it again. "Follow me," Jung is the first one to react, he rushes down the stairs and heads for the right side of the building were an old, worn out police car is parked.

"They let you keep that?" V asks dumbfounded as Jung opens the door and quickly gets in. "I'm suspended not fired, I have friends in high places I can count on," Jung comments as V gets in next to him and Jimin jumps into the back. The engine starts,. Coughing as it tries to get used to the fact that there's now three people it has to carry. It's not used to it anymore. It's been carrying one, thin, tired looking, suspended officer for a while now.

The tires start rolling, seatbelts get buckled, before the car eventually turns onto the main road. Jung takes a quick look in the rearview mirror, making sure no one is following them when he spots the tiny little fluff on top of Jimin's head. The young man has almost crawled out of his seat belt and is currently working his way towards the floor. His face turning paler by the seconds, pearls of sweat appearing on his forehead and if Jimin had eaten breakfast, it would for sure be on its way back up by now.

He desperately looks for something to hold onto, something to anchor him to the real life so he doesn't float away back into his nightmares. The need to unbuckle and escape out the door is growing so strong that Jimin has to physically hold his wrist to keep his hand from reaching for the door handle. "You alright there?" Jung asks, genuinely worried about the ghost-looking man in the backseat. Jimin only gulps in return, taking a moment to try and calm himself down before sitting back up to get control of his growing fear and other emotions.

"Bad memories," he whispers, but loud enough for the two in the front to hear him. Vs heart sinks remembering the menacing laugh he would have had if he was still the same person back then. How he would look at Jimin with pure hatred as he crawled out of the police car and tried to get away from the infuriating Jeon Jungkook. When he fell and attempted with all his might to do some kind of injury to the man dragging him towards his doom.

Jung on the other hand, chuckles. The memories sit different with him and sadly, he hasn't changed much since then. He feels sorry for Jimin and kinda bad for what he was partly involved with, but Jung had to do his job.

That was all there was to it, a job.

"Yeah, sorry about that," he mumbles, speeding up the car.

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