•Chapter Two•

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Sora chatted idly with Ennoshita by the net as she gave him a water bottle and a marker for him to write his name on it. He was telling her about a new coffeeshop that opened down the street from his house when yelling was heard through the gym doors.

"Captain! We would like to challenge you!" Her brother and Kageyama yelled in unison, the members near the doors jumping in fright.

Suga held a hand to his beating chest for a moment before opening the doors to see the two of them in confident stances, searching for the captain.

"Oh, goodness.." Sora mumbled as she stepped closer along with Daichi to listen to what they have to say.

"1,2.. We will prove that we can play together!" They yelled at the same time, Tanaka already bursting into laughter a second time.

She held a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing, and she caught Shimizu turning away to hide her quiet laughter.

"I think I heard a countdown." Suga said with a slight chuckle that set off Sora's laughter.

"Wah, Sora-san. That was cute.." Tanaka said with an awed look on his face, successfully embarrassing the girl.

A red blush spread across her cheeks as some members looked over at them before an angel came to save her in the form of Shimizu karate-chopping Tanaka away from her.

She smiled sheepishly in thanks before Daichi responded to the two anxious boys in the doorway.

"And if you lose?" He raised his eyebrows, looking so casually intimidating that she was jealous for a moment.

"We will accept the penalty of your choice." Kageyama responded, and she took the opportunity to analyze him for a moment.

Sure, he looked a bit rough around the edges and him challenging the captain was incredibly bold of a first-year. It didn't mean he couldn't learn to be a team player, it only meant it would take a little longer and a little more force.

"Hmm? This should work. Two other first years will be joining us as well. We'll have you play them, three-on-three. It's a game we hold every year for our new members to see what they're like." Daichi crossed his arms as he stared down the two.

"But three-on-three? Who will be playing on our side?" Shōyō asked confusedly.

"Your sister."

"What?!" Both the twins and a few club members exclaimed at the same time, half not making the connection between them.

"I mean, I'm totally up for it I was just surprised." She says happily after a moment of contemplation, interrupting her brother's inevitable question about what she was doing in the boy's volleyball club.

"You have a pretty intimidating background, so I want to put it to the test. Tanaka-san, I want you to help train those two to work together." Daichi smiled competitively at her before turning to Tanaka.

"What? Why me?" The bald boy yelled indignantly.

"Well, you were just saying how much you kinda like them." Daichi raised an eyebrow as if to dare Tanaka to refuse.

"Wahh, I don't want to get caught up in their mess!" He complained anyways, hands on his hips.

"If it helps, Tanaka-Senpai, I'll be training them too." Sora smiled gently at him to comfort him.

At her words Tanaka suddenly had a complete change of heart, putting a hand on Shōyō and Kageyama's shoulders.

"Of course I'll help my kouhai, that's what a good senpai does!"

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