Chapter 2

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Note: Character do not belong to me. All rights go to Netflix and One Day At A Time. No copy infringement intended.

        "Y/n/n!" Lydia exclaimed from the kitchen. She walked over to me. I could see that Elena and Alex were at the dining table. They looked up when they heard Lydia. Elena looked the same, as always, but Alex didn't. He looked so much older and even more handsome. No, no, he'd never like you, I thought to myself. I ran into Lydia's arms, they were always so comforting.
        "Ay, mija," she said as she patted my head. I started to cry, which was very embarrassing considering that my freakin crush that I hadn't seen in years was right there. Okay, it was just like a year and a half, but still. He's grown a lot.
        "Aw, it's okay," she said in her cute, heavy accent. She had both of her hands cupped around my face. "It will be okay, pero no llores, ?" I nodded. "Ok."
        She took me to where Elena and Alex were. I had assumed they knew since Schneider tells them everything. But I didn't mind at all. They're like my second family. No, they are my second family.
        "y/n/n!" Elena exclaimed and hugged me.
        "Elena, I missed you so much," I said through tears. And I'm happy to say that they weren't just sad tears.
        "You'll get through this, ok?" I nodded. I turned to Alex. He looked like he was in shock.
        "Bruta?" he said in shock, not believing what he was seeing.
        "Loco!" I exclaimed. I ran into his arms. He hugged me back. I could already feel the butterflies in my stomach. His embrace was just what I needed.
        "It's about time!" he said. I chuckled and so did he. His expression then went from happy to serious. He put his hand on my shoulder.
        "I'm really sorry, y/n/n." I nodded my head and smiled with no teeth.
        "Thank you, I really appreciate it. Where's Lupita?"
        "Está en el trabajo," Lydia said. I nodded.
       "So, what's up," Schneider said as he leaned on the doorway leading to the kitchen.
       "Sorry, Schneider, but I want to catch up with y/n/n," Elena said. I smiled and walked around, admiring everything.
"I see nothing has changed," I said and chuckled. Elena sat on one of the arms of the couch.
"Yep," she said.
"I missed it so much here." I sat on the couch and Alex sat next to me.
"So, how are you guys?" I asked and faced them both.
"Well, we had our homecoming," Elena said.
"We? Elena, you hate homecomings," I said, chuckling softly.
"Well, my girlfriend asked me out," she said. My jaw dropped.
"Elena! Oh my gosh, that's awesome! What's her name?"
"Well, first off, they are non-binary, so they go by they." I nodded.
"Got it."
"They're name is Syd. And I loved their big ask," she said, smiling. I smiled and raised my eyebrows up and down.
"How did it go?" She told me about Syd's big ask, and Alex told me how cringey and weird it was. His words, not mine.
"What about you, loco? What's up? Have a girlfriend yet? Probably do, huh?"
"Woah, woah," he said and chuckled. "No, sadly, I do not." I patted his head.
"You'll get there," I said. "If your lucky." He rolled his eyes, smiled at me, and pushed me playfully.
"Shut up. I don't need luck, girls can't get enough of this face," he said and gestured to his face, smirking a idiotic smirk. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.
"Oh yeah, for sure," I said sarcastically and looked over at Elena, who was raising her eyebrows up and down. I rolled my eyes. This whole house always bugged me, saying that Alex and I should date and that we had "ultimate" feelings for each other. Both of us always laughed it off, but deep down, I really did have feelings for him. I then heard the door burst open. I looked to see Penelope. My face brightened and so did hers. She dropped the bags she had in hand and ran to where i was, hugging me tight.
"y/n/n! Aw, I missed you, mija," she said in her welcoming voice. I never got tired of that voice.
"Me too, Lupe!"
"I'm sorry, mija. But hey, it's ok." She rubbed my cheek with her thumb. I nodded. 
        "Time has passed and although I'm still sad about it, I've come to control myself a little more. And with you guys, I'll feel so much better." She smiled at me and rubbed my arm. Elena smiled at me warmly and I looked over to Alex, who's smile lit up the room, at least for me. His smile was just so reassuring, and so real. 
"So, how are you?" I chatted with her for a little, and with everyone else. It was really, really nice to know that I was home.

        "Dinner was good as always, guys," I said and looked at Penelope and Lydia.
        "Thank you, y/n/n," Penelope said. We finished our food.
        "Help us clean up, kids," she said. Alex and I got some plates and brought them to the sink.
        "I'm glad you're back," Alex said as he started to wash dishes.
        "Me too," I said, washing dishes as well. "I've missed you, loco."
        "I've missed you too, bruta." I smiled at him and he smiled back. I stared into his shimmering brown eyes for a moment. I then realized that Schneider was right there at the doorway. Alex and I looked away quickly, breaking eye contact. I looked over at Schneider, who luckily wasn't looking at us. I sighed softly. There was silence, only the sound of the water faucet running and Lupita, Schneider, and Lydia talking could be heard. As we finished the dishes, Alex and I walked out of the kitchen.
        "Well, we should get going. You gotta go to sleep early if ur gonna start school tomorrow," Schneider said.
        "Tomorrow? Why so quick?" I groaned.
        "Just thought it'd be good that you weren't so behind. It is the middle of the year," Schneider said.
        "Ugh, I'm not looking forward to it."
        "Don't you miss your friends?" Alex said. I scoffed.
        "Do you mean Sister Barbara, the one who was always yelling at me? Oh, or are you talking about literally all of the nuns who hated me?" We all chuckled.
        "Jokes aside, I do miss some of the friends I had," I continued.
        "Well, whether you want to or not, you're going tomorrow," Schneider said. I sighed. We started to head out.
        "Bye guys, thank you again for dinner. It really made me feel like I was truly home," I said. Lydia and Penelope nodded and smiled.
        "Goodnight, mija. Goodnight, Schneider," Lydia said, pinching my cheeks slightly and waving at Schneider. She went to her room and closed her curtains, what replaced her theoretical door.
        "Goodnight, Lupita. And tell Elena I said goodnight."
        "I will. Goodnight guys. I'll see you tomorrow," she said. I looked at Alex.
        "Night, loco," I said.
        "Night, bruta," he said. We fist bumped and Schneider and I took off.

pero no llores - but don't cry
está en el trabajo - she's at work
bruta - dummy, stupid
loco - crazy

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