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Harry's POV

"This year Hogwarts will play host to a legendary event: the Triwizard Tournament. During which time a single student gets to represent his or her school in a series of magical contests. Eternal glory awaits the student who wins the tournament."  I sat on the edge of my seat as Dumbledore further explained how we as a school were going to go about hosting said tournament.

I looked at Ron, Hermione, and Ginny to see if their expressions matched mine, or to see if I am getting too overexcited about nothing. Ron was just zoning out and daydreaming about the Beauxbatons girls; Ginny looks nearly as excited as I do; and Hermione is by far the most unreadable of the three. Her expression resembles that of eating a dinner you're pretending to like.

The only thing that broke my trance was the sound of the Great Hall doors opening, and the most stunning creature I had ever laid my eyes on was walking in. She's drop dead gorgeous. From her cherub-like face to her luscious blonde locks, all the way down to her eyes; they're so unique I can't even describe them.

Intrigued, I leaned over to Hermione. "Who's the blonde girl who just walked in? I don't think I've ever seen her before, and I certainly recall seeing girls as lovely as she is." Trying to hide the blush that appeared on my face as the mystery girl brushed by, I look back towards Dumbledore.

Hermione eyed up the mysterious girl before answering me. "That's Elizabeth Kane. She recently moved here from the states. I heard she went to Marymount School of Magic, and her dad works for the Ministry of Magic. From what I've heard about her, I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up in Ravenclaw." She responded while flipping through her latest library book.

"Well she is the most gorgeous bird I've ever seen in my entire 14 years of existence." I smiled and waved at her briefly, but my friendly gesture went unnoticed as Cedric Diggory walked over to her to chat her up.

Elizabeth's POV

Stupid father, stupid mother. I wouldn't be here if my father hadn't decided to accept some stupid promotion in the ministry here. I hardly know anyone! It's hard enough to start in your first year at a new school, let alone smack-dab in the middle of your schooling career. I guess I shouldn't complain though, men from the United Kingdom are MUCH cuter than those back home.

Sensing a presence beside me, I turn to my right towards the person so I don't seem standoffish. I smile when I realize how truly attractive he is. From his light brown wavy locks to his honey and caramel colored eyes, he is definitely the cutest guy I've met today.

"Hello, love. My name is Cedric Diggory, but you can call me your dream man." He winks and wraps his arm around my shoulder as I blush slightly. Although I'm slightly creeped out by his forwardness, I have to admit, he makes it so very attractive.

I pull away from the slight embrace and hold my hand out. "I'm Elizabeth Kane, but you can call me Liza." I politely shake his hand and return to what I'm doing. I sigh and get up to head to my dormitory.

Not realizing how extremely massive this castle is, I walk over the Cedric and tap his shoulder. "Cedric, could you please show me the way to the Ravenclaw common room?" I bat my eyelashes and bite my lip to make myself even more irresistible than I already am.

With a smile, he nods and we begin walking. Once we reach our destination, I walk in without even saying goodnight to him. After all, mother said it's amazing to play hard to get and shamelessly flirt to drive the guys crazy. She should know, given her 15 boyfriends in the last year.

Cedric's POV

As I walk away with my friends, I smirk at the thought of how feisty and flirty that girl is. I will make her mine, and I will refuse to have anybody in my way. Even if it's the last thing I do.

Well, this is the first chapter! I tried to become a better writer, and I really hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I'm enjoying writing it!!


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