The First Day

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Elizabeth's POV

I wake up with a bright ray of sun shining in my face and my alarm clock blaring, signifying I had to get ready for my classes. I rush to the bathroom to begin my extensive daily care routine my mother taught me.

Scrub face? Check. Brush teeth? Check. Moisturize face? Check. Apply primer? Check. Apply makeup consisting of: foundation, concealer, bronzer, blush, highlighter, eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, false eyelashes, mascara, and lip stain? Check. Styled hair? Check. "Perfectly gorgeous as always." I smiled as I thought to myself.

I change into my robes and head to the common room where Cho is sitting on the couch. She smirks at me as I walk by. "So you and Cedric, huh? Rumor has it he's been wanting to snog you. Given that he and I have a no-strings deal going on and all." She says while obnoxiously blowing bubbles with her bubblegum.

I look at her and narrow my eyes but quickly regain my confidence. "Oh, do you? Because last I checked, no-strings implies he's seen other women in more ways than one. And I'm talking with and without clothes. Now if you'd excuse me, I'm going to breakfast." I retort, not even missing a beat.

I walk out, not letting her respond. As I made my way to breakfast, I smiled when I saw Cedric running towards me. "Liza! Wait up!" He yelled after me.

I let him catch up to me as he took my hand and intertwined our fingers. "So I was wondering if I could take you out on a date this weekend? All of the third years and up go to Hogsmeade to have a break from studying." He looks at me with a hopeful smile.

I bite my lip and nod. "Sounds like a date Mr. Diggory."

Harry's POV

I sat in the great hall with Ron and Hermione, eating breakfast, when I saw her again. It felt like a million golden snitches were flying around inside of me, I simply could not get my eyes off of her. She was even more beautiful in the daylight. Although I think she doesn't need all of that makeup stuff on her face.

"My god Harry, what's gotten into you? Dumbledore just announced you are one of the selected champions for the Triwizard Tournament and you didn't even flinch!" Hermione points out while smacking me with her copy of "The Daily Prophet."

I roll my eyes at her gesture and look back towards a fuming Dumbledore walking towards me. He picks me up by the collar of my robe and yells "DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE, HARRY?!"

I shake my head rapidly. "No professor, I didn't do that. It's impossible! I'm only 14!" I pull my robe away from his grasp and sit back down.

"Of course I have to be one of the champions. Why is it always me who has to be in a dangerous situation?" I groan to myself.

Suddenly I feel a tap on the shoulder. I look behind me to see that gorgeous girl. "I'm Elizabeth Kane, I wanted to congratulate you on being selected. I have to warn you though, good luck beating Cedric, I have a feeling he's going to win it all." She smirks and turns back around.

"Good luck trying to get that bird mate." Ron claps me on my shoulder and walks out of the great hall.

So second chapter y'all! Are we liking it so far? Let me know in the comments!

Much love,

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