Part 1

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*you wake up to ur mom shouting ur name*

Yn Mom: *shouts* Yn u gotta get up or you'll be late for your flight

Yn: *shouts back* alrght alright im coming

*you hop in the shower, brush ur teeth wash ur hair, get dressed, n go downstairs*

Yn Mom: Finally now here eat ur breakfast before we go *puts down a plate*

Yn: im not hurry *pushes it away*

Yn Mom: what do u mean ur not hungry? u have to eat

Yn: i'll eat at the airport ma 

Yn Mom: fine i'll give it to ur grandma then 

Yn: okay can we go now?

Yn Mom: okay okay lets go *picks up her keys n starts heading out the door*

Yn: *grabs my phone n charger* uh mom arent u gonna help me carry my bags to the car? 

Yn Mom: oh wait i was suppose to help u?

Yn: -.- watch me n u when i come back

Yn Mom: lol im joking *grabs one of the suit cases n puts it in the car*

Yn: -.- u aint funny ma * grabs the rest of my bags n puts em in the car*

*fast forwards to the airport scene, n u check in n say goodbye to ur mom n head to ur gate* 

Yn: *texts mom* I Love you 2 ma

* you hear then call final boarding n get on the line, ur checking ur texts b4 u turn off ur phone and the boy walks up behind u and starts talking*

???: Hey

Yn: um hi do i knoe u?

???: No but u could get to know me n i could get to know u

Yn: wait what is ur name? 

???: Oh im Brian 

Yn:: Well then Brian sorry to burst ur bubble but i have a bf 

Brian: Well u never know what can happen in a relationship

Yn: yeah yeah whatever *gives the lady my ticket, gets on the plane and sits in my seat*

*fast forwards to when we reach at LAX, u get off the plane n look around for prince when Brian comes up 2 u again*

Brian: wow what are the odds that we'd meet again :)

Yn: you don't give up do u?

Brian: nah not really when i see something beautiful i have to go after it

*you see prince n call him over* 

Prince: Hey babe i'm so glad ur finally here i missed u so much *kisses u passionately*

Yn: *smiles* nuh uh i missed u more

Prince: i really doubt that ... *looks at brian n says* who's this?

Yn: uhh he's..

Brian: im brian we just met cuz we were on the same flight 

Prince: oh cool... wel then yn why don't we go get ur bags and i'll take you to go see the guys

Yn: okay :) *u and prince start to walk off then brian says*

Brian: So ur name is Yn? thats real pretty

Yn: *stops* uh thnx i guess 

Brian: hey uh before u go can i uh have ur number?

Prince: uh no u may not

Brian: excuse me i didn't ask u 

Prince: idc she's MY gf so i say no u can't have her number

Brian: *steps to Prince* oh really? well how bout i just give her mine then *starts to walk towards u*

Prince: *stops him* i said no

Brian: *pushes him outta the way* -.-

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