Part 6

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*You guys arrive back at the house and you an roc head up to his room while prince and ray talk*

Ray: Listen prince you need to suck it up and grow a pair of balls man your letting roc get the best of u 

Prince: So much for a good pep talk smh

Ray: forreal look theres no doubt that you an yn are getting back together but you gotta make it happen

Prince: know what i will make it happen imma go tell her right now

Ray: woah woah you cant go up there without a plan man or at least a take me back gift 

Prince: your right thnx man i'll be back *goes to the store*

Ray: man i still cant believe this niqqa think i give back pep talks smh 

*flashes yn and roc upstairs*

Yn: Dang roc i never realized your bed was so big O.o *lays down*

Roc: *comes out the bathroom with a towel on* hmm i never realized that i was 2 focuzed on other BIGGER things

Yn: -.- roc y do u have no clothes on?

Roc: pshhh i have on clothes

Yn: a towel doesnt count

Roc: fine *puts on some boxers*

Yn: omg thats not any better

Yn P.O.V. - Why does he have to be so sexy oh my good i just wanna fuxx his brains out mhm dammit i need to stop this i love prince and onlly prince :/ or do i ?

Roc: hey i cant help if i sleep in my boxers lol

Yn: smh ur the craziest bestfriend i have ever had *gets up off the bed and heads into the bathroom to take a shower*

Roc: *looks into the bathroom* need some help? i can help ypu from the back if u want ;) 

Yn: lmaooo ur funny roc but not thnx *shuts the door gets undressed and hops in the shower*

*your jammin n singing in the shower when you hear the door slowly creek open*

Yn: roc? is that you? ugh i could have sworn i locked the door

*no answer* *you peek out the shower curtain but u cant see nun cuz of all the steam so u continue to shower then suddenly u feel hands on ur hips and u scream n turn around* 

Yn: omfg u scared the shit outta me get out man 

Roc: but ur body looks so sexy when its wet 

Yn: *covers up* get out now or else -.-

Roc: or else what? yn c'mon u know u want rocaconda ;)

Yn: smh i knew it was a mistake staying in ur room *trys getting out the shower but roc grabs ur arm* Let go of me

Roc: listen here yn now you cant come up in my room looking all sexy knowing i like you and not gimmie some -.-

Yn: tf is wrong with u roc i've never seen this side of you before

Roc: well if you'd give me what i want u wouldnt be seeing me like this *pulls you closer*

Yn: let me go *pushes him away*

Roc: no *grabs u roughly and forces u to kiss him*

Yn: *u push back and slap him in the face*

Roc: u really shoulnt have done that * pushes up against the shower wall and forces his d*ck inside u*

Yn: *u try to fight him off but its no use so u scream instead* HELP SOMEONE PLEASE HELP MEEEEE

Roc: *covers your mouth, rapes you and leaves u there crying on the shower floor*

*after roc leaves you hear someone calling your name but your 2 stunned and in pain to answer, in walks in prince, he sees you there huddled up in a ball crying *turns offf the shower, picks you up, raps you in a towel and takes you to his room*

Prince: yn what happen?

Yn: *you shiver and continue to cry*

Prince: Yn please talk to me i know ur mad at me and we're fighting but i dont wanna fight no more i just want u to forgive...

Yn: *whispers* her raped me

Prince: What?

Yn: *speaks a little louder* He raped me *crys harder*

Prince: .........


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