Part 2

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Recap: You flew to cali to spend some time with prince n u meet a Random boy named brian who wants ur number but prince won't let him have it, so they get all up in each others face!

Prince: *Pushes Brian back*

Yn: Stop it guys please i don't want any fighting *steps in between them*

Brian: you lucky she stopped us or i woulda kicked ur axx -.-

Prince: whatever punk, man fuck outta here -.- lets go yn

*you guys walk away n go pick up your bags n head to the car*

Prince: anyways so how you been babe? *puts the bags in the car*

Yn: alright i guess but i really missed you :)

Prince: awww i missed u 2 

Yn: oh really well why dont u prove it? ;)

Prince: aight den i'll prove it later on tonight when its just me an u ;)

Yn: oohh lala i can't wait

*ya'll get in the car n drive to the house, you guys pull up in the drive way and prod, ray, keisha and walter come to greet u*

Ray: YYYYYYNNNNNNNNNNNNN *runs up to ur door, opens it n hugs u mad tight*

Yn: Raaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy *hugs him back* lol

Prod: okay okay enough of that move out the way my turn *pushes ray away n hugs u* hey beautiful

Yn: hey handsome :) *hugs prod*

Keisha: Hey baby girl how u been?

Yn: I been good aunty Keish but u know it would have been better if u were around :)

Keisha: aww u just get sweeter n sweeter with every visit *turns to prince* u better not hurt her prince 

Prince: lol i promise i won't keisha *gets the bags out the car*

Walter: Hey yn nice to see you again

Yn: same goes for u walter *awkward silence*

POV: Ugh ii know he dont like me smh he never did but he bettah not try n break me n prince up like last time. 

End of POV

*you all go inside*

Yn: wait where ma bestie Roc at?

Ray: oh we didnt tell him u were coming

Prod: yeah we thought it would be funny to suprise him! :)

Yn: smh ya'll 2 much but it's cool where he at though?

Ray: he's upstairs in his room sleeping

Yn: okay brb *you run up stairs to roc's room and go inside* *whispers* aww look at my bestie all asleep n looking adorable

*you walk over to his bed,sit down and wake him up*

Yn: Rockeyyyyyyy wake upppppppp

Roc: *half asleep* what??... who is that? *opens his eyes, sees u, then jumps up and hugs u even tighter than ray did* Yn i missed you so much :)

Yn: *hugs him tight* aww i missed you more bestie

Roc: *lets go n looks at u* wow your even more beautiful than the last time you left 

Yn: aww stop it lol *push him on his shoulder*

Roc: nah it's true doe, god dam i mean look at dem curves 

Yn: boy just hush *blushes*

Roc: *holds your hand* lol i really did miss u though *comes closer*

Yn: yeah i uh... missed u 2 * u look into his eyes*

Roc: you know yn i been meaning to tell you that i kind of started having feeling for u shortly after u left last time n i never got to tell u :/

Yn: wow i uhh... kinda wanted to tell u the same thing 2 :/

Roc: really? i mean it's wierd though uz ur with prince but ur all i can think about

Yn: :) *blushes* stop lying 

Roc: im not, :)

Yn: Prove it den 

Roc: alright *kisses you nice n slow, n passionately for 45 secs* 

Yn:*kisses back*

*you both pull away when u hear the door squeak open you guys look up to find*............

Hard Decisions ( A Roc & Prince Imagine )Where stories live. Discover now