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Eventually you'll meet someone who is tired of the games too, and your loyalty will match theirs!

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Eventually you'll meet someone who is tired of the games too, and your loyalty will match theirs!


Water drops trickled down my cheekbones, tickling my skin and I groaned in the pillows. The sensation, a painful tease to my skin.

" Jahaan, wake up!"

A sweet soft womanly voice sang. And I perched my head on the pillow tucked under my chin. I opened my left eye. Seeing the sunlight brighten up the room almost painfully making my groan once again and throw my head back on the pillow.

Why was it so bright?

" Jahaaaaaaan!"


I opened my eyes. Seeing a blurry figure stand before the wall length windows and pull the curtains more apart, drawing in more sunlight. I squinted my eyes seeing my vision clear up.

The woman's back was to me. Her long brown hair were curled at the ends because of the shower she took, a wet trail going down the back of her dark maroon shirt. And I closed my eyes yet again as her glass bangles clunked together making my heart go crazy. I felt the bed dip and her breath hit my cheeks. My breaths started to pick up but I didn't dare open my eyes.

Her hair tickled my cheeks, as she ran her strands softly down my cheekbones and then up my temples. Following the pattern again. The drop of water tickling agonizingly down my skin. I turned around away from her as her scent filled my nostrils. Musky and assortments of jasmine with hints of wild roses. It was her scent that drove me crazy.

" Wake up now! The sun is up!" She lightly scolded me and I felt the covers being pulled.

" No!" I groaned.

Her bangles clunked yet again and she came to my side again and pulled the covers away from me successfully. I peered up at her. Her beautiful face fresh and glowing. Her dark chocolate hair shaping around her face and those dark pools of brown looking down at me with all the innocence in the world. Her eyes, they were the most attractive of features as they changed colour according to her moods and they brightened up my world no matter what. And right now, her eyes were dark brown as she stared down at me with a pout. Her cherry red lips enticing me.

I sat up, reached forward and grabbed her hand. Pulling her down to sit besides me. Her eyes lowered and her cheeks puffed out, drawing my eyes to the small mole on her right high cheekbone. And I lightly poked it with my finger. She folded her arms around her chest and turned her back to me, getting mad like a five year old.

" You won't talk to me now?" I asked with all the innocence dripping in my voice.

She tilted her head just a little and shook her head.

" Did I make you mad?"

" Uhm hmm!"

I chuckled.

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