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If I tell you I need you, do not take it lightly

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If I tell you I need you, do not take it lightly.
I do everything to be around you,
And if I say I want you, it means I am trusting you to catch me
if I fall.


We returned back home. And I almost felt shy and nervous around everyone. I had always spent most of my time with Jahan, joined to his hip. But now as everyone moved around the house, I felt nervous in talking to my family. Jahan had become a shield for me, my human shield.

Whenever I found myself being questioned, I'd look up at him with large eyes and he'd smile giving me the confidence to answer. And the other times, I'd be hiding behind him. Bazid was the only bully in the house to tease me about my lack of interaction but Faraal had kept a good hand on him. They were perfect for each other. Sadly, Bazid went back to his studies and so did Faraal leave for Islamabad to her family. And days started to pass like sand from between my fingers. And I was yelping on my toes last week, thinking that I had completed five months of my successful marriage with Jahan.

" Wow Saboohi! This is amazing work. You should pursue it further on."

Afaaf exclaimed and I smiled. We were sitting on the sofas in the hall as I showed her my journals from my university. She was impressed about the researches I had done here and there without Moma's permission.

" This is all from my thesis work."

I pointed out showing her more of my work. Seeing her look intrigued.

" Hmm, how did biotech engineering come to you?"

She asked and I shrugged popping a slice of apple in my mouth. Before thinking back to the time I fought with papa and Moma to get admission in university.

" I guess I wanted to study both chemistry and biology at the same time. I don't know it was a mixed decision."

The woman laughed out before waving her hand off. Her brown sparkling eyes landing on me as she whispered.

" You should really work in the field if you want. I am sure you'll do amazing."

I scrunched my nose thinking about what she suggested. I did wanted to live like a normal person. Complete my studies and work in the job area but now probing on it further I almost felt detached to my studies. If it weren't for Jahan in my life, I would have thought about working but now with him I didn't find myself giving attention to anything else. I think love does this to a person. Or maybe it was the comfortability and attachment I had found with him.

" No. I'd rather stay at home and cook for Jahan."

Afaaf knitted her eyebrows together before slowly nodding.

" It's obviously totally upto you. But between all of that, you've done amazing work. I have all my thesis work stored at Abba's house in Karachi. Some day when we visit them, I'll show you mine."

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