The Wolf Codex

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1. You have to do what the Alpha tells you to do. If no Alpha is around it goes to the Beta which is first in command and so on. If you don't follow orders the Alpha can choose a punishment for you.

2. If a royal is around you have to follow their command over the ones of an Alpha if the royal orders you to do something. (Even if the Royal is an Omega, he is still higher than an Alpha. Even a Pup can give you commands if he is a royal. Only exception are Lone Wolf royals, they don't really have powers they are still Lone Wolves.)

3. If you see a lost wolf, capture it and bring it to your Alpha. If you can't, report that you saw one.

4. Always follow the food order.

Alpha > Beta > Healer/Pups > Aces > Hunters > Warriors > Omegas

If you don't follow the order, the Alpha can punish you.

5. Only leave your Pack if you get banished, find your fated mate in an other pack and you are female or when you get abused by your Alpha. If you get abused tell the wolf/werewolf council.

6. An Alpha has to decide on the instructors for a Pup before they even know the eye colour. Delta Pups should at least know how to hunt and fight (They still need to know the basics about the other thing. Let's say a Pup has Warrior eyes. He still needs to know the basics of hunting.) Healer Pups should at least also know how to defend themselves in a fight or hunt to survive if most of the Hunters are wounded.

7. Healers have to visit a Moon Lake every full moon. A Delta needs to visit a Moon Lake once he turns to a Beta or an Alpha. If an Omega becomes a Delta he also has to visit a Moon Lake. If you get deranked you also have to visit the Moon Lake. (Only exeption: If the Alpha takes away your spot. You then can't visit a Moon Lake till you got the ritual once again and joined a new pack.)

8. If a new wolf wants to join a Pack that already existed the Alpha needs to do a welcoming ritual. After the ritual a Magic mark will appear on your shoulder, it has the form of the Pack you are in. (For Examples: The Lunar Pack has a silver moon sign. The Shadow Pack has a dark dot.) That's the official mark that you joined the Pack, it only appears in Human form.

9. If you make a new Pack you have to tell it to the wolf/werewolf council. They will find out anyway. If you don't tell them they will punish you.

10. If you find any information about the Galaxy Crystals, tell the wolf/werewolf council about it. Every single hint to who they are will get paid with a wish coming true. The Galaxy Crystals are probably dangerous and the councils only wants to keep everyone save.

11. Always have your wolf book with you. In it are the codex, infos to your Pack, infos to your personality, important news, the myth, infos to wolves (eye colour meanings and so on) and  important steps for your training.

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