Y/N Backstory

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{There will probably be a short version in the story part, you can skip this if you want. I just thought it would be nice giving you some information about your past.}


I was born into a Royal Pack. They call us the Lunars. We are a Pack from Germany and still we are the highest ranking Royal Pack of the world. I was born with a silver crescent on my shoulder. My mom and dad were the Alphas of the pack. My dad once was an appreciated Warrior Beta while my mom was a high ranking Delta Hunter. They hoped for us to turn out as a mix a so called Ace. I knew I had two older brothers, they always called me Galaxy. I loved them dearly they were both very high ranking Delta Warriors, but they never got appreciated by our parents. Their last hope was that I would turn to an Ace. Then this event happened.


"Hey! Wake up! Fast! We have to leave!" I woke up to our dad screaming at us to wake up. I was around 4 at this time, so my eyes didn't change till now. I looked at my brothers as my dad said. "You have to shift now! I will tell you later why! Just do it!" I shifted into my wolf form. I looked exactly like my dad, maybe a little shorter and with grey eyes, but I was still looking exactly like dad. I saw that my brothers changed to. My older brother has fur as white as snow. My oldest brother had dark grey fur and white ears while the younger of my two brothers had black paws. I always found it funny since I had a pure coloured form while they had a mixture. We ran into the forest and my father howled. Soon I saw mom and the rest of the pack. "Let's go now! Before the hunters catch up!" He howled again as we started to run. I was falling back because of how small my legs were as there was a loud sound. I stopped for a second but then started running again. One of the Omegas laid there as blood was flowing out of her wounds. There were more such sounds as more and more wolves fell down. After a long while of running we thought they lost us and we stopped. Suddenly the sound was there again as my ears were ringing. I looked for the dead wolf as my mom collapsed in front of me. _Mom!_ I screamed over the Mind-Link. She then opened a Mind-Link for our family. _I am sorry to leave you so soon my children... My time has come... Remember I am always with you... If you miss me look at the stars and howl three times... When a star blinked I heard you... I am also sorry sons for not being the   best mother... I say this now as my last words to you... I am proud of you sons.... You went a far way to get to where you are now..._ She looks at the stars. _Luna I am coming... Just a little longer..._ My mom now looked at me. _I don't think they will kill any young wolves. To you my beautiful daughter... You have very, very strong abilities that will be unlocked when the time is right... You are only their half sister... If you ever get separated... Find back to each other... For me... I will wait for you at Lunas Palace and when the moment arrived we will meet there again..._ Her once beautiful white fur was now blood red and her dead eyes looked at the stars as I collapsed next to her dead body. I heard my dad talking to my brothers. _Boys. Take Y/N and leave while you still can! Your highest priority is keeping your little helpless sister save. I trust in you. *he looked at me* You need to leave! Go now!_ I stood up and my brothers took me in the middle of them as I heard the sound and saw my dad collapsing. _Y/N. Don't turn back around. Listen to what your brothers say. This life wasn't made for us to be happy. I will wait with your mother... My time runs out... Never forget your origins... Be a proud full blooded royal! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. We will watch over you... I guess that is it now... Goodbye..._ I felt the tears running down my face. We ran faster as the younger one of my two brothers suddenly collapsed. I turned around shocked, but there wasn't any blood. I felt my other brother collapse. Then I heard his voice. _Run Galaxy! Run! They didn't notice you till now! Your fur is perfect for this! We won't die! We are just really sleepy. Run now! Run as far as you can! One day we will meet again..._ Then his eyes closed. I turned around and started to run. I ran for a whole day and a whole night. I didn't know where I was as I decided to get some sleep. I searched for a cave or something like that and found a hollow tree. I laid down in it and closed my eyes as the nightmares started.

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